[center][h1][b]Kaze[/b][/h1][/center] Kaze gave out a grunt when he cracked his back and observed the village from the dock. "Last time I get on a boat..." He groaned, not overly fond of the hammocks nor the smaller beds. "Give me some comfort and a little danger any day over a glorified tub..." He continued as he moved along to not hold up traffic. on and off the ship. His hammer was nestled at the small of his back and didn't look like it slowed him down as he shifted and moved through the sailors and other passengers. He ignored the merchants, just giving them a vague wave, since he didn't have to buy anything just yet. He'd see what they had once he sort of settled in or after doing some work. So his destination was a bee-line to the Guild Hall to put in his registration with the village. He doubted he was the first but it never hurt to have more than one hunter, even a rookie. You could only learn how to do the job when you're new. He entered the hall and took a look around slowly. Taking note of the unmanned quest counter and a table currently occupied by an older man, two men around his age judging by appearance, and a woman. They were talking among themselves but the older man would probably have the information he required. So he approached the table. "Excuse me sir, who do I talk to to register as a hunter?" He asked, his voice a deep rumbling sound. Much like far off thunder. His eyes looked over the others briefly before refocusing on Cyrus.