Alvios knew this fight wouldn't go anywhere from a distance, and he was on more of a timer than Vale was. If his Lightforged form ran out, he wouldn't have the speed or power to compare. He had to make an opportunity where he could strike down Vale without the man getting a counterattack. Trying to get in close and pressure him had become a null option, as Vale was perfectly willing to take a hit-for-hit, and that quip about blood still had Alvios uneasy. Vale was too strong for weaker mid-ranged attacks to work, and too nimble for multiple swords to hinder him. Alvios could probably match the power with his swords now, and make up for the inferior speed with flight... but none of this provided a solution. [color=silver][i]'You analyze too much, [b]unbecoming.'[/b][/i][/color] Was he? [color=mediumorchid]"If you have no intent nor purpose, no self-importance... then I pity you. Your empty heart will never compare to my resolve."[/color] Alvios twirled one of the blades in his hand, before throwing it like a javelin at Vale, immediately darting to the right and diving at him afterwards, sword at the ready. Compressing the power of his swords like this should have given them enough force that Vale couldn't flick them aside the same way as when they were separate.