[h2][b]Angel[/b][/h2] [right][h2][b]September 6th 8:45am[/b][/h2][/right] Derek had squeezed her hand and told her with a smile that he was there and even stated, "I've got you, Angel." Angel had returned the squeeze. She guessed he thought she was spooked by the fire drill. He was still the sweet boy she had spent every day with. She almost felt guilty for being such a different person. The two had trusted each other so much just a few years ago. They had done everything together and told each other anything and everything. She could almost imagine herself as the pre-teen girl with the wavy ginger hair and polka-dot dress sitting on the curb of the street with him. The excitement she had every day to go run around outside with him. She didn't feel it now. She looked at him now and she still felt that same love deep down but the excitement was replaced with worry and anxiety. There was the inevitable moment coming where she would have to push him out of her life again. Angel squeezed his hand tighter at the thought. She didn't want to lose him again. She had been so invested in her thoughts that she had drifted away from the situation around them. They were lined up outside, the sun beating down on them aggressively as the alarm faintly rang out in the silent air. Everyone was quiet except for a few coughs, happy to just be out of class. Will was pacing and texting so fast that Angel could imagine the amount of typos in his messages were probably horrendous. The sudden sound of police sirens and an ambulance rang in the distance. Angel glanced up and watched from their spot as an ambulance finally pulled into the parking lot. Cop cars arrived. She watched a big black van go around the back of the school instead of entering the parking lot, heading towards the parking lot near the gym. Angel knew they were hunters. She had seen those vans every day. There really were vampires, it hadn't been her paranoia. Angel let go of Derek's hand on impulse and started running over the grass back toward the building. "Fuck!"Will yelled, "God damn it Angel I swear-"Angel couldn't hear the rest of what he said as she opened the door to the school and shut it behind her. God forbid Derek followed her. She looked back and forth in the hallway, her heart racing. She had rushed in here without a second thought and knew she was going to be in big trouble. However, if there were vampires in here, people could need immediate help and someone needed to get there fast. Especially if that female vampire from earlier was there. She began moving through the halls, cautiously, ready to attack if necessary. It was going to be hard with no weapon but she was sure she could improvise with something. Sudden rapid footsteps made the hairs on her neck stand up. It sounded like at least six individuals. She was not ready to handle this. She looked around, panicking, nearly letting out a cry when a loud bang resonated through the hallway. It sounded like someone was kicking a door down. She relaxed a little as she recognized one of the voices. They were hunters. They were probably looking in the rooms for the vampires. Still, no point getting busted. Angel darted into the girls bathroom and gripped the bathroom sink to steady her shaking hands. The sound of slow footsteps toward the bathroom made her stiffen up and move into one of the stalls. "Boy do I love a school on lock down." came a strange man's voice, "There's always a kid who rather stay in the bathroom rather than walk outside... Wow do I got myself a sweet pig or what?" Crazed laughter started to follow as he ripped open the stall next to Angel. She had tensed, assuming the vampire was talking to her. "Well, well, well, aren't you a sight? You're the spitting image of 'em!" Who the hell was he talking to? It sounded like he had grabbed whoever it was upon opening it.