[center][hider=MAP OF GUILLAN] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e4dfb0d5-6a3b-4a04-a447-31979008d731.png[/img][/hider][/center] [center][b][color=6ecff6]Monetary System[/color] will be in[/b] [i][color=6ecff6]silver bits[/color][/i][b], or[/b] [i][color=fff200]gold coins[/color][/i][b]. [color=6ecff6]20 silver[/color] = [color=fff200]1 gold[/color] Currency should be kept up with on CS, and changed upon usage in posts. This also applies to all ammunitions, firearms or bows. Prices should be made to resemble comparable amounts of common items.. Like a beer is usually 2 or 3 bucks, so to make it easy we just translate to 2 or 3 bits, as they should resemble or be close to comparative currencies of today. [i] Specialty [/i]or [i]novelty[/i] weapons, or weapons forged by higher skilled artisans or weapons or jewelry pieces produced by quality makers and vendors will be determined by [color=00aeef]GM[/color], prompt a [/b][i]"What's for sale"[/i][b] or [/b][i]"I'm looking for a-, What'ya got?"[/i][b] inquiry in post to summon for a [color=00aeef]NPC[/color]. If you sort of describe what you are looking for I will be happy to come up with a few select items for purchase at that time for you to look over.[/b][/center] [center][hider=PURCHASABLE ITEMS][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0a90ddae-fe97-4324-88d8-8bf3d835ad1b.png[/img][/hider] [b]Other items can be discussed and amended to list upon approval.. Don't hesitate to ask..[/b] [/center] [h3][center][b]SKILLSET ALLOWANCES/SUCCESS ROLLS[/b][/center][/h3] [center](only when attacking or using skillsets)[/center] Beginning characters are allowed[b] [color=f7941d]15 points[/color] [/b]to divide into [b][color=f7941d]5 skillset[/color] [/b]categories. Each point represents a [b]D[color=f7941d]2[/color][/b] coin flip. [i](For example lets say that you have a 3 in lockpicking, when you go to roll youd type in 3xd2 and say you get 2 out of 3 then it is a success.)[/i] The number of successes and the number of the roll (higher number of successes are executed with greater finesse) determine the successfulness of the action, and the lower the success numbers rolled the poorer the performance. [color=f7941d][b]Zero[/b][/color] successes will result in a catastrophic [color=f7941d][b]failure[/b][/color]. I'm not going to go to check every roll, and this will be based on trust in the individuals playing. Remember that these players aren't exactly the best of people, so some failures will add to their character and should provide a good read, and also make everyone write a bit out pocket.. at least that's the idea. Again you don't have to roll on every occasion or every small action, just on ones that hold weight in each post. A [color=f7941d][b]Dice Roller[/b][/color] can be found on the home page of the Guild over on the right I think. Look at Y'Vanna's sheet to see how these points are dispersed. You don't have to have [b][color=f7941d]5[/color] [/b] skills, just not more.. Also feel free to make up your own skillsets that you think might come in handy. If they are magical in nature please run it by me first.. [h3][center][b]SKILLSETS/PICKPOCKETING[/b][/center][/h3] [b]When rolling for pickpocketing skillset, upon successful picking roll 1 d[color=f7941d]100[/color] to determine a random amount of currency.[/b] [b]This number will be in bits not coins, unless all dice are rolled as successes, then the roll will represent coins, but only on a [b]1 D[color=f7941d]20[/color][/b] roll instead of a D100. If you'd like to pick jewelry or other items, then the number of the roll will be the worth of the item instead of loose currency. When [color=f7941d]zero[/color] successes are rolled the pick will be a failure, which will also alert the party being picked, and will result in some form of confrontation.[/b] [b] (If no skill points exist for skill player rolls 1d[color=f7941d]6[/color] but must roll above a [color=f7941d]4[/color] for success. If successful in same action several times the [color=00aeef]GM[/color] may award character with this skill, adding[color=f7941d] 1[/color] point, accumulating over time. Please make the [color=00aeef]GM[/color] aware of this as best as possible.)[/b] [h3][center][b]ATTACK ROLLS[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Attack rolls will be done with 1d[color=f7941d]10[/color]. The higher the number the better the outcome. a roll of [color=f7941d]1-3[/color] will be considered a [color=f7941d]fail[/color], and up to a roll of 5 will be considered poor execution.[/b] [b]When attacking with any weapon other than what you are used to add a [color=f7941d][b]-2 modifier[/b][/color] to compensate for skill adjustment.[/b] [center][h3][b]Injury Modifier[/b][/h3][/center] [b]If a player is injured a [color=f7941d]-2 modifier[/color] will be added to roll for the duration of the injury.[/b] [center][h3][b]Flaw modifier[/b][/h3][/center] [b] When a character flaw comes into play a [color=f7941d]-2 modifier [/color]will be added to roll on first roll, if roll is still successful then the modifier drops to [color=f7941d]-1[/color] for the next roll [u]if[/u] the flaw is still applicable.. For instance, intoxication, or under the influence failure [color=ed1c24](oh shit, you did it this time)[/color] and the mod stays at [color=f7941d]-2[/color], but if successful [color=6ecff6](Hold my beer! I am a golden god!) [/color], and the mod drops to [color=f7941d]-1[/color]. (This applies to all flaws, lying or physical setbacks, etc, whichever flaw governs your character.)[/b] [center][h3][b]Intoxication Modifier[/b][/h3][/center] [b]A [color=f7941d]-1 modifier[/color] will be added to each roll while intoxicated. (This applies to all forms of intoxication, for every player regardless of whether or not it is a flaw, and [u]must be added[/u] to the existing flaw modifier if already in place..)[/b] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ba64bef1-cdfd-4556-9705-22796c839eda.png[/img][/center] [b]When rolling for attacks that involve a [color=f7941d][b]flintlock[/b][/color] or powder weapon a [color=f7941d][b]-2 modifier[/b][/color] will be added to the roll due to their unreliable nature (misfires, poor aim, wet powder, etc.). You must roll a [color=f7941d]6[/color], [color=f7941d]7[/color], or [color=f7941d]8[/color] for a good hit, [color=f7941d]3-5[/color] is a near miss, which doesn't mean that you don't hit the target, just maybe not where you intended to. Also on a roll of [color=f7941d]1 or 2[/color] or a catastrophic [color=f7941d]failure[/color] will result in personal [color=f7941d]injury[/color] or equipment damage. ( powder burns, backfires/shrapnel, ricochets, etc). [/b]