[h2][color=0072bc]Gwen Danielson[/color][/h2] My alarm clock have wake me in my slumber, I got out of my bed and walk toward the mirror to see [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/24095f486255c9a4953298687b757f92/tumblr_osec5g6r8b1wo4xdwo1_1280.png]a girl with blue and yellow-ish in her and freckles with a tired look on her face[/url]...that girl is me. I put on my [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/50/1f/62/501f6277a6a1bef9469ec97b00056e39--burgundy-cardigan-popular-outfits.jpg]outfit[/url] and walk out of my room to see my friend [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/99dd3e2c6229c1c55141e2bdc91ee897/tumblr_n1288hS5701r5e7d4o1_500.png ]Emily[/url] outside in her car waiting for me. I say bye to my mom and go outside and into my friend car.[color=0076a3] "finally"[/color] she say, [color=0076a3]"what took you so long? stay up all night for your 'rumor blog?'"[/color] she say to me. of course I told my secret identity and run a rumor blog cause come on, she my friend and she the best keeping secrets...sometimes [color=0072bc]"no, I was doing my homework. what about you?"[/color] I tell her with a smirk on my face [color=00746b]"of course I did my homework"[/color] she lie