On the outskirts of Constantinople a small war party stood atop a hill eyeing the city from afar. The horses they rode eagerly trotted in place, ready to move as the head rider gave the signal to advance. As they closed in on the famed city it was obvious these men were not ordinary for they were armored in full plate riding dark armored steeds themselves. To any watchful eyes this normally wouldn’t mean much as Knights regularly passed through the city but there was an aura about them, something dark and the armor they wore was dark and ornate indicating that these men were far from your regular warriors. As they got closer it was evident even the bravest of warriors would tremble at the sight of these heavily armed knights and passersby’s were sure to let them through lest they be trampled under the armored might. As they entered the city the crowds could only look in suspicion and awe as the head rider raised an armored fist causing his war party to halt. Slowly approaching from among the crowd an individual in a dark robe advanced and bowed his head at the lead armored figure, speaking in a tone only audible to the pair. “Welcome my Lord, I been anticipating your arrival for some time, all that I own is yours to do with as you wish, I live to serve” “[i]Your loyalty has been noted and will be well rewarded.[/i]” The figure replied. The robbed man bowed his head again. “If I may my lord, I would urge some caution. Various clans and other creatures have made this city their own. Your presence will be noted; your enemies will fear you and stay out of your way however those ignorant to your power may confront you” [i]“Good. It would save us the trouble of hunting down our adversaries throughout this city. I look forward to the challenge”[/i] The robbed man lowered his head with respect once more and stepped aside as the head of the war party led his troops deeper into the city.