[color=39b54a]Oh, a pity it is to be ignored, to be silenced by the one you need to listen to you. I'm hurt, I really am.[/color] One moment, the radio had been playing a commercial jingle; the next, Adelaide had turned it off; and then the very next, a voice spoke. Had she just changed the station? The radio didn't look like it was off. "...Who are you?" She asked, her anger ebbing away, turning into curiosity. "And... how are you in my radio?" [color=39b54a]Firebird - can I call you that? - I'm not in your radio. I'd hardly fit in there. And it'll make it rather inconvenient if you have to lug this around every time we need to talk.[/color] The voice chuckled, no malice or condescension in its - his, it sounded masculine at any rate - words. [color=39b54a]Just talking through it, that's all.[/color] The energy had drained - but only a little, an attempt at calmness and care instead of presentation. [color=39b54a]Who I am isn't particularly important. If you must have something - FM will work, don't you think?[/color] Adelaide was silent for a moment. Firebird..? How did he know that name? Slowly, she went back onto the FM radio. "What's so special on there?" She asked, her voice quiet. "And.. why are you talking to [i]me[/i] of all people?" [color=39b54a]Me![/color] The laughter sounded genuinely delighted and now devoid of the radio's staticky clicks and hisses. It was if the voice's owner - FM, he was calling himself - now stood in the same room. Still speaking into a microphone, though. [color=39b54a]But, that's enough about me, dear Firebird. Why you, you ask? I've got a better question: why [i]not[/i] you? You've got great potential, and there's no time like now to act upon it. City Hall is filled with cowards, police and firemen can't stop your blazes, and the heroes are going to be too busy chasing smoke signals to interfere. The city is yours to do with as you please - and the longer you wait, the harder it'll become. Do you understand, Firebird?[/color] Adelaide waited a few seconds, then replied, "I... you're right, City Hall [i]is[/i] filled with idiots and cowards, but... I'm not that strong. I can't even make a real fire!" Slowly, she could feel her hands start to heat up, but she started pushing it away. [color=39b54a]Because you don't let yourself?[/color] FM clicked his tongue, the sound moving left to right - or FM himself, invisible but present in Adelaide's home. It was hard to tell. [color=39b54a]All you have to do, Firebird, is set your mind to it. Do you want me to help prove it to you?[/color] "..Sure." She mumbled. The way he sounded like he was in the room with her started to freak her out a bit. "What are you going to do, if you're just.. talking to me through the radio, though?" Sam jumped up next to her, also a bit freaked out by his voice which seemed to be coming out of nowhere. [color=39b54a]You can call it part of my powers. As long as we have even a conversational connection, I can... let's say, turn up the volume a little? Make your fire a bit [i]louder[/i]. The rest is up to you, of course.[/color] He seemed to have walked back a little, facing the radio. Respect or a further part of the presentation, it could've been either. [color=39b54a]But of course, if you don't think I can, it makes it pretty tough. Almost impossible, even. So, Firebird, do you think I can do that?[/color] "..Yes?" She continued, "I'll go outside and try, then." Standing up, she walked into her backyard. Aiming at a small tree, she drew her arm back, her palm facing a small tree, then thrust it forward. Fire spewed out of her hand, setting the tree on fire. The fire's light lit up the area around her as it started eating away at the bark. "Well.. I admit, I do feel stronger now." FM laughed, loud enough to startle Sammy. [color=39b54a]Excellent job, Firebird! Time is short, but do you think you'll be ready to try burning something a bit bigger than a tree?[/color] he asked from inside the house. Clearly, he was still tethered to the radio - if there at all. "...Of course I am. I'm only just getting started." Adelaide smiled, going back inside. Sammy was in a corner, startled by FM's laugh. "So, what will I be doing next?" She asked. [color=39b54a]Hmm... well, either I suggest a bit of practice in your own backyard.... or I think I heard dear ol' Gaulton mention something about the Pottsmouth's Coffeehouse?[/color] Adelaide paused for a moment, thinking."Hm... how about while I practice, we can make plans on how to...what, kill them? Or just scare 'em?" [color=39b54a]That, dear Firebird, is your decision. But practice sounds good. A portable radio may make this easier?[/color] "Oh, yeah, I got another one, I'll go and get it." After going upstairs and rummaging through a few boxes, she walked back down carrying a small, blue-green radio. "I got new batteries for it, so it should work." [color=39b54a]And such a nice color too! See, this is why I'm talking to you.[/color] There was the hiss of static before the living room radio resumed playing music. [color=39b54a]Yes, this works juat fine.[/color] He now spoke from the portable radio in her hands. Adelaide carried the radio outside, setting it on a bench. "Should I just start doing some random moves and you tell me how to do them better?" [color=39b54a]That sounds promising. Whatever comes naturally first, of course. Don't want to make a misstep in your big debut, right?[/color] It was easy to imagine FM - whatever he looked like - sitting on the bench, leaning forward to eagerly watch Adelaide's moves. First, she took a deep breath. Then, she slowly started creating a fireball in her hands. It grew bigger and bigger, until finally, she threw it towards the same tree that was burning. After she did that, she threw two more at the surrounding trees. [color=39b54a]Oh, wonderful! Fireballs are always a classic staple - spread out the fire, make it grow, too big for anyone to put out.[/color] There was a moment of silence from FM. [color=39b54a]Anyways, your aim seems rather good, but it'll never hurt to practice. Do you think you could 'stretch' the ball out? Take a pinch, pull it apart, make it into a rope?[/color] His enthusiasm bubbled over again. Clearly, Adelaide's radio demon had [i]ideas[/i]. "Hm.. maybe. Lemme test it out." She created another fireball, and slowly, with a few twists of her hands, made it into a whip-like shape. "How's this?" [color=39b54a]Oh, you're a natural![/color] FM sounded like he was beaming. [color=39b54a]And can you use it?[/color] "I've never used a whip or anything before.. but I could try." After spotting a tall, thick tree, she used the fire whip on it. It created a large, black gash on the bark. "I guess that's good enough, It's just like waving a rope around."(edited) [color=39b54a]We can work on it. We have a little bit of time.[/color] FM seemed to approve. [color=39b54a]Practice just for the sake of aim, make sure you've got that down. Then off to the coffee house before the supers can scramble?[/color] Adelaide nodded, then continued to practice. After around thirty minutes, Adelaide felt like she could do anything. "I think I'm ready." She said to FM after one last attack. The tree she practiced on was now unrecognizable. "Also.. do you have an explanation on why it's been dark the whole day? I like night and all, but I need my daily dose of sunlight, y'know?" FM laughed. [color=39b54a]Oh, marvelous. I'm looking forward to seeing your work once it's through.[/color] With nothing to see, instead it had to be imagined he was eyeing the devastated tree and the smoke billowing off in thin tendrils - smoldering to charcoal - as he spoke. Then Adelaide asked her question. There was a brief hum from the radio, as if it were trying to play music. Perhaps FM was channeling it, but no lyrics could be heard. Finally, the hum stopped, replaced by the radio spirit's voice. [color=39b54a]Nope, can't say I have an explanation for you, dear Firebird. Perhaps the sun will come back later today. Perhaps not. Who can know?[/color] He almost sounded teasing. [color=39b54a]As it were, I wouldn't worry for now. If it can't be changed, don't waste your energy worrying. You have better things to focus on anyways, wouldn't you say?[/color] "Hm... I suppose so." She mumbled, but still wondered why the sky seemed to be gone. It's not just the sun, but the stars too. Is there something covering the sky? Adelaide walked inside, carrying FM's radio with her. "So, FM, when should we leave? Right now?" [color=39b54a]Of course! Everyone's still trying to figure out what's going on. You'll be able to get the drop on them, as it were.[/color] There was a hint of a smile in FM's voice - if he could smile. Did he actually have a form? [color=39b54a]Should give you enough time to wreak destruction and escape before a hero can do anything.[/color] "Hm. Alright, lemme go and find a different outfit. Gotta make a big entrance, right?" She smirked, and headed upstairs. A few minutes later, she came back down wearing black leggings with a dark green stripe going down the sides, a dark green shirt that matched the stripes, and a mask that she wore for Halloween when she was younger. Which, was also, dark green, [color=39b54a]I have to say, your taste is just excellent, Firebird.[/color] The compliment sounded deeply genuine. [color=39b54a]Now, think you'll need this for me to tag along? Or should I meet you there?[/color] "Meet me there? Like, in a radio or something, or in person?" [color=39b54a]Radio, of course. I've no intention of getting set on fire, if all goes well.[/color] "I'll take your radio just in case." Adelaide picked up the radio, putting it in one of her pockets. "To be honest, I never really imagined myself actually... doing this, y'know? I thought about it, but never really.. put my ideas into action." [color=39b54a]isupposeyou- mmph.[/color] The voice was indeed muffled. [color=39b54a]I suppose all you needed was just some support then. Goodbye, Sammy![/color] FM called after the cat as they passed. Sammy's ears flattened and he trotted off into the kitchen. They walked outside and into the dark streets, only illuminated by the few street lights that lined the road. Adelaide lit up a small fireball in her hand for light, and continued to walk until they were just a few streets away from the coffeehouse. "Alright.. What's the plan? Do I sneak in, or go in there, guns blazing?" [color=39b54a]Personally? I've always favored guns blazing. Should I announce your arrival, or shall you? I do detect a stereo system in there, after all....[/color] "Ooh, how about I go in there with fireballs in hand, and you announce me on the stereo once I get in there?" [color=39b54a]Sounds like a plan! See you in there![/color] And with that, the radio in her pocket went silent. Adelaide smiled devilishly, the flame in her hand getting slightly larger.