Megana's alarm went of, well it wasn't really a alarm. It was Lucky that jumped on her bed and started to lick her face. Meg sneezed into Lucky's face which was answer with a little bark and a playful growl. ''Yes yes! I am awake.. I knew taking you home was a bad idea'' she said and got a questioning face as answer. The young female looked at the time, it was 8:00 am. ''I knew you would wake me too early, but this means I have more time'' she said and got out of her bed. Her morning ritual wasn't one that took a lot of time, she got to her kitchen where she made a cup of coffee and grabbed a quick snack for Lucky, which would walk around her and turn around like a puppy and almost make her fall at least four times. ''When are you gonna learn to keep a little distance luck?'' she asked the Stafford and shook her head. While her coffee was cooling down, she would take a quick shower and get dressed in her daily jeans, a simple shirt and of course her woolen vest. Then, while she brushed her hair, she would get a visitor in her bathroom, Lucky, who would sit down and look at her, waiting. She quickly would make a loose bun in her hair and then walk out, again followed by the dog. She got him his breakfast and sipped from her coffee while also eating her own breakfast, which pretty much was some cereal with milk and a apple. Around 9:30 am, Megana was completely done with everything and she would grab her shoes, a sign for Lucky to grab his harness and put it in front of her feet. Meg laughed and petted the dog. ''Why did they ever abandon you.. You are so great'' she said to the dog which replied with a bark. After putting on her shoes, she grabbed the harness and put it on Lucky. She grabbed the line and her coat, scarf and fingerless gloves, put those on and with a quick check if she had her keys and of course her bag with her lunch and wallet, she walked out of her little apartment and went downstairs to head out towards the shelter.