[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/dgtslwwfj/cove_ch3.png[/img][hr][img]https://hips.hearstapps.com/cos.h-cdn.co/assets/15/13/640x354/gallery-1427290281-giphy.gif?resize=480:*[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][hr][h3][color=#9999ff][b]Coventry, Massachusetts: December 28th, 2016 - 7:41 P.M. Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][color=red]~remember, some of you were sent information as to what you know about the Mullo and Hel via PM a while back...~[/color][/center] Outside of Coventry, near the woods on the road to Salem, the forest wasn't out of the ordinary. The trees partially masked the sky from sight (although a good number of them had lost their leaves months ago), the noise of the bugs and the wildlife created a silent backdrop, and the light of the moon barely lit Carolina's path. The sun had already long since set and the temperature was dropping steadily. It wasn't the ideal place to be, but it also isn't a likely place for cell reception. Even if cell signal was normal in Coventry, it certainly wouldn't be in the woods. "You can keep it!" a female voice called out from up in the trees. A moment and a [i]thump[/i] later a girl with braids was standing in front of Carolina, having quickly scaled down the tree. Up in the tree, there's a little "net" à-la-Katniss-Everdeen, with a sleeping bag belted onto a steady branch. "You'll be doing me a favor--and hey, max out the cards in there if you want to. It's no big deal," the girl shrugged. But meanwhile in Coventry itself... Cecily glanced up at Seraphina in astonishment and confusion--mostly the latter. She hadn't had the letter out, with the thing crumpled up in her pocket, but somehow Seraphina knew what she was thinking about. The letter itself was incredibly personal, a letter from a father she didn't know she had. It was more than the typical "yeah, you're adopted" letter--it told her things she never knew about herself before, where she came from. [color=00ccff]"I can't show it to you,"[/color] Cecily said. She took a shuddering deep breath and the liquid around her solidified. Cecily then brushed bits of solid off of her hand, before she looked at the angel for a moment. [color=00ccff]"It's private, I'm sorry...I need to get back...I need to go see someone."[/color] As for Aloise, the ex-marine's heart stopped for a moment. No one had seen Liam? She pulled out her phone, determined to call the prophet, but there was no signal. It wasn't an unusual problem for hunters to have with the bigger, scarier creatures, but it still filled her with a sense of dread. She didn't want to consider the possibility that Liam was in trouble, that he had gotten killed out there, but she couldn't rule it out. Aloise was so focused on thinking up all the possible things that could've happened to Liam, explanations for why he wasn't there, that she hardly noticed the hurt feelings of Darren. [color=00ffcc]"I've never heard of a mullo before,"[/color] Aloise admitted. Darren wouldn't have either. The two of them knew about the same lore. [color=00ffcc]"So if anyone knows anything...speak up. We need that information."[/color] Eudora and Seraphina both have information about the mullo--as well as Folly. Folly, however, was more focused on the strange door. Fairfax seemed to be right--it really did look like it could've been the Coventry Fire from centuries ago. It had been one of her own ancestors that supposedly burned the town to the ground, but records weren't always the best kept. It could've been the ancestor of any one of the children in the circus, even if Folly's mother's records claimed it was their blood line and not another's. Long lived families tended to populate Cirque Anomaly. It was possible there was some sort of mistake made way back, even cheating or infidelity could've meant that Folly had no relation to the tortured soul who burned down the town. "I would need to know how this door was opened in order to close it," Fairfax explained, having heard Thalia's question. He watched with bated breath as Olivia threw a pen into the doorway, not certain as to whether or not that was the best call. Unlike the wardrobe that Folly used to travel through time, he hadn't had a chance to study this. But to be fair, most of his studies of the wardrobe were through experimentation. Olivia's examination of Gus' body won't tell her much than what was already known--that he died from a stab wound inflicted on him by Seraphina, his body was covered in sulfur, and so forth. Aloise glanced over just in time to see a hand reach through the other side of the doorway. One pen in, one hand out? The hand gripped the frame of the door and pulled, with eventually a person emerging. With long black hair that reached its feet and pale skin, the thing hardly appeared human. [b]"That's a mullo,"[/b] Daniyal/Mallory said matter of factly. [b]"Good luck. You'll need it."[/b]