[@Chenzor] I'm here :) How is this? [hider=NS] Clan Name: De Quo Familia Artis (Clan of Trade in latin. Call them DQFA on map if you will) Represented Color: Silver Race: Gnome Features: Low strength, High Diplomacy, Medium intelligence, small, average reproduction rate Capital: Domum Negotiationis Ruler: William Augustus Type of Government: Family dictatorship Religion: The DQFA believe in Tychos the God of Trade. By making offerings to him every month, they believe that the God will give them favorable trades. Geographical Location: I don't know what I should write here. History: The DQFA was made a thousand years ago by Maximilian Augustus, a gnome that was supposed to be Tychos's avatar on the planet. Maximilian living 'till the age of 120 and left a big number of descendants that continued to build the trading emporium they now have. William Augustus is one of the many clan children that left the clan-lands to establish a new Domum Negotiationis in yet-undiscovered lands so that he could prove himself in from of Tychos and his great-great-xa lot of great-grandfather. He took with him a group of men and women and went on his journey. [/hider]