Sayeeda snorted in-spite of her best effort to keep quiet. The motion shook her chest into a racking cough and the machines hooked to her body beeped their mechanical interogatives. The medic, Dr Xi by her name plate looked over at her in concern but Junebug merely waved her away. "Ok is sort of a relative term," she responded dryly. The thick ceramic armor she wore had spared her most of the brunt but her body was still a mass of bruises. It was only the massive load of anti-inflammatory she was carrying that allowed her to function at all. That would be a problem the longer it went on but you did what you had to when the Devil drove. "This is some sort of a set up Neil, it has to be," she carefully glanced over to make sure the doctor was out of ear shot. "The Love Bugs didn't just show up here, there were scientists on the station, the were experimenting on one and broadcasting it into the RIP," she explained as she picked her way through chains of logic that felt shakier for having been spoken allowed. "Plus those shield generators we delivered. Pretty hard core for a peaceful world. Someone is gearing up. I bet the Guild would gut the nobles here if they declared war on their rivals. But big scary alien invasion shows up, they hide behind their fancy new shields while the competition goes the way of the dinner table. Then when the bugs get all hungry they purge the planet and they have all these resources to themselves and the Guild can hardly object to a heroic defense by the survivors." It was a neat scheme for all it was based on pure conjecture. Her head swam from the meds but she forced herself to sit upright on the edge of the bed. "We either need to get way the hell out of dodge, or we need to get under one of those shields before they go up, and somehow I doubt anyone that knows we were on that asteroid is going to welcome the possibility of stowaways." [@POOHEAD189]