Bea followed Roger out. She’d been by airship only once before, and she was very little. Most of their other traveling had been done by either train or boat. Her father had not been a big fan of air travel, so they mostly stayed on the ground. Honestly, they’d mostly stayed put anyways. Some level of paranoia had kept her father home. Paranoia that she now fully understood because now she was subject to the same sort of foreboding feeling of someone watching and waiting and lurking to do her harm and take away what she knew. And she didn’t even really know much of anything. So this was a fantastic thing for her. She watched everything as best she could, unable to focus on one sight in particular, because it was just all too wonderful. Her eyes were wide with childlike wonder and she was smiling as she leaned over the railing to get a better look. “This is wonderful,” she said softly, only loud enough for Roger next to her to hear. “So very amazing. I don’t know how anyone comes down with views like this.”