Here we go! [hider=Metalbeard Clan] [b]Nation/Clan/Kingdom/Tribe Name:[/b] The Metalbeard Clan [b]Represented Color:[/b] [color=violet]Violet[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Features:[/b] N/A [b]Breed:[/b] N/A [b]Capital:[/b] The Glimmering Mountain [b]Ruler:[/b] King-Miner Albus Blackhand [b]Type of Government:[/b] Constitutional monarchy, shares power with a Council of Elders so that the King may not grow too powerful and that they not become too powerful either. [b]Religion:[/b] The Metalbeard Clan believes all metal has a spirit living inside of it, the bigger the chunk, the more powerful the spirit. If mined, these spirits are then released into the world to burrow deeper into the ground and make more metal. Any metal weaponry or armor is treated with respect as if it were a living person and as such have set a high standard on anything that is metal. [b]Geographical Location:[/b] [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] The Metalbeard Clan has inhabited the Glimmering Mountain for centuries, digging great caverns and mining for jewels and gold. They had no reason to venture outside of the mountain, and many dwarves can not say what the night sky looks like with how little they ventured out. However, as of late, they have been in decline, famine have killed off much of their population as they simply did not have the capabilities to farm a sustainable amount underground. This forced them out, to go and explore the land, hopefully the surface world will not be as hostile as it was originally forseen. [/hider]