Anna was thankful when they finally reached the school after the ten minute drive. Even though it had only been ten minutes, that drive had felt like forever. She was tense, nervous, and oh so ready to just get out of that car. She was ready to just go into the school and hopefully not be tortured any more by having to be around another person. She unbuckled and reached for the car door handle, but as soon as she laid a hand on it, Tucker was speaking to her again. He was asking if she wanted him to drive her home. Or go get something to eat together. The old her. Mira. Mira might have agreed to such a thing. After all, Mira would have nothing to fear. It was going to hang out with someone. If this had been a few months before, she would have given him one of her shy smiles and agreed. But the old her was gone. She was Anna now. And Anna wouldn't -no she couldn't- agree to such a thing. It was too risky. Too dangerous for not only her, but for him as well. Shaking her head quickly without meeting his gaze, she said nothing but a quick, "No." Before she climbed out of the car as fast as she could, going into the university. She hated doing that. She knew it might have hurt his feelings. He really was a nice guy. But nice guys were the ones to always get hurt. And she didn't want to hurt anyone ever again. She walked down the hallways, keeping her head down as she moved and trying to avoid bumping into anyone in the crowd of the hallways and people trying to get to their classes. She lucky made it to her class on time. It was a boring and a quick class. But, luckily was her only class for the day. And hour and thirty minutes later, Anna walked out of her language class and sighed as she walked down the hallway, ready to walk back to her apartment. Thoguh, she only get about halfway there when something caught her eye. A cafe and in the window was a really good looking piece of chocolate cake. She considered it for a moment before she walked into the cafe, ordering both a piece of the cake and a cup of coffee. She sat down and within ten minutes her order was brought to her and she said a small thank you to the waitress before eating quietly, sipping on her coffee silently, glancing about at all the people in the cafe. They all looked so happy. Most of them were couples, while others were just there with friends. It was then that a conversation came to her ears. "Geez look at her. Who comes to a place like this alone?" "Haha, what a freak." It was a couple, sitting a few tables down from her. They probably didn't think she could hear, but she had. When she heard their chairs squeak as the two got up to leave, Anna turned her gaze on them and suddenly a chair pulled out, tripping the two of them so they fell to the floor. She gasped, looking around frightenedly. People laughed, obviously thinking the two hadn't been watching and hadn't seen the chair there. No one had seemed to seen the chair pull out on its own, but the scared Anna, as she han't meant for her powers to do that, making her want to get out of there as fast as she could. She immediately stood up, going as fast as she could to the door and as she was about to come out, someone was coming in. he yelped, bumping right into them and looked up wide eyed to see none other than Tucker. "I-I'm sorry." She said quickly as she movd around him in a hurry to get out of the cafe, almost running down the side walk toward the apartment buildings.