Robert was quiet for a while now, following the group more focused on tapping away on a device on his arm rather that looking a head until he heard Kiba's question, to he gave a look of you kidding me mate? "You just got that? You do realize we came though the internet, a series of interconnected computer networks. Thank you for finally being on the same page as the rest of us. Though it may sound absurd the idea of us being converted into data isn't that far fetched. The digital monsters of our world, simply mimic the neurons pathways of our brains, though we aren't quite at the level of mimicking a human and more of a rat's brain at the very most, but we already established that this place is different from our world. If you are still questioning it I have a better way of showing that this is all digital." Robert took out his wallet, a designer brand and looked expensive as all hell, but looked completely normal. He slowly waved it back and forth like he was trying to distract a room full of three year olds. He turned the back of his wrist to the group revealing a computer watch, which had been modified with a small keyboard. The screen was mostly black, but had white lines of code running across it. When he had heard that this world was one of data, so he started to see if he could apply his hacking abilities to the world and spent the last moments seeing if he could and the end result, he realized there were quite a few differences between the code from here and our world, so he would require quite a bit of time to get used to it, but there was quite a few simple things he could do, after all the basics has to stay the same. After a few taps on his watch, that definitely didn't make him look like for a lack of a better word a total dweeb, the wallet elongated along the X axis up to 3ft on both sides. "So still questioning it?"