[center][h1][color=686F91]Harry Walsh[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d03fc8a9229db3193e86bfc3b3c8b536/tumblr_nkhkysMc5r1uokpato5_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=686F91]Location:[/color][/b] Gheit el Idda[/center][hr] It took Harry a moment or two to adjust as Aziza chose to sit in front of him instead of behind, but he was able to do so well enough, his arms around her helping to keep her steady as he held the reigns. Leading the horse out of the stables and down the street, Harry kept Roach moving at a reasonable trot, following the directions given to him by Aziza as they moved through the streets towards her home. He kept her close to him and found himself somewhat appreciating the fact she was in front of him as they went along, realizing that the two of them had far less of a profile this way as they rode. Certainly, they were getting some attention from the fact they were horseback, but one would have been hard-pressed to get a clear look of Aziza at least this way. Before long as they reached her building, Harry carefully and slowly brought Roach to a halt in the street, looking up at the building for a moment or two, briefly comparing it to his own. Leading Roach over to a post, he carefully climbed down from her back and reached up, taking Aziza's hand and carefully helping her back down to the ground before he took Roach's reins, tying her off on the post and giving her head a short pat before he turned to Aziza, motioning to the door. [b][color=686F91]"I can lead the way if you'd prefer."[/color][/b] He commented, unsure how concerned she was of returning home. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FFE2AA]William Drake[/color][/h1] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/ff46ab5f5f3b663db052ad5d797359c6/tumblr_o23ey3NKbE1qdhps7o3_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=FFE2AA]Location:[/color][/b] The Egyptian Museum[/center][hr] William sighed as he searched through the Archives to relatively no avail. He had known that Vera, of course, looked after most of what he was searching for, but he had hoped there would be something, anything down here, so that he would not have to deal with the relative awkwardness and embarrassment of returning to her office just then, after the rather dramatic turn of events which had led to him leaving it in the first place. Momentarily, his thought returned to the guilt he had felt, his eyes sunk for a moment, and he figured it would be too improper to return to her office then, he had made a severe slight against Vera, even though it had not been of his own will, but then again, what else would he do? Sighing, William ran a hand through his hair frustratedly as he thought. If he returned to Vera's office, he risked insulting her again after she had demanded he leave the office - but he needed to get through her office to do the work he needed to do before their expedition. Thinking on it for some time, he eventually figured that Vera would have been surprised and possibly even impressed enough at his actual preparedness and willingness to work that she would be able to at least partially forgo the slight against her. Sighing, he turned back to the door he'd come from, heading back up and toward Vera's office, unaware he would arrive at the same time, if not shortly after his delivery did.