[@Grey]: I feel like I do need to clarify I'm trying to avoid "one race is from only one place"(with the exception of a couple types of beastkin) quickly, just so you do know. ^^; Also, I'll post myself when [@PKMNB0Y] posts again... I'm also opening up two more "our world" character slots, for a total of six. Finally... [list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Alistasia Vanfarion [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 22 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human/??? [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Alistasia-Vanfarion-Colored-708886915]"If the enemy isn't prepared to die, then they should never have set foot on the battlefield!"[/url] Alistasia is fairly short. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Alistasia is, in some respects, able to be considered an ideal soldier. She is highly intelligent and capable of strategic thinking, while also dedicated to her duties and assignments. However, this cannot be considered the whole of her character. Far from it. For as much as she seems to be a rule-abiding soldier of Grandia, Alistasia's conduct on the battlefield shows something of her true nature. Between giving orders and instructions, Alistasia displays an almost psychotic adoration of violence, grinning in a murderous fashion as she performs what can only be described as the obliteration of enemy forces. In spite of this seemingly maniacal behavior, she also displays a clear regard for strategy and gives level-headed and clear instructions to her forces even as she conducts her gruesome work. Quite simply it seems as if the girl takes pleasure in how much she terrorizes the enemy(and sometimes her allies). Harsh and unyielding, it's no small wonder that among Grandian Soldiers she is referred to as the Cold Steel Princess. In spite of her violent attitude and seemingly psychotic love of violence, Alistasia is quite protective and considerate towards those directly under her command, taking care not to put their lives in unnecessary danger and coming to their aid whenever she is able to do so. That being said, she is also not above punishing them, their failures as soldiers resulting in their very deliberate humiliation(one of her favorite methods being to force them to be furniture). Yes, just because Alistasia cares about her soldiers does not mean she will not bully them or subject them to harsh and surprising training exercises for her own amusement, some of her subordinates more subjected to bullying then others. While Alistasia is most definitely a sadist, she despises torture and any soldiers caught conducting torture under her command will be subjected to immediate execution. She is also careful not to involve any civilians in military action under any circumstances. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] Beyond rising rapidly through the ranks of the Grandian Imperial Army, little is known directly about Alistasia's history. To Grandia, she is the Cold Steel Princess. To Felbar, she is the Bloody Steel Demon. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Alistasia is a standout mage with an enormous pool of mana to draw from, standing above even many of the expert magi in the Grandian Imperial Army. Almost all of her incredible magical power is diverted to one specific form of magic: The materialization and manipulation of swords. Alistasia can create a seemingly infinite amount of swords, modify them for whatever purpose she desires, and use them as projectiles or melee weapons as she sees fit. She can use them as barriers, weaving blades together in order to block attacks, or even as a mode of transport, riding a single gigantic sword down into battle. Indeed, Alistasia's focus on swords is to the exclusion of almost all other forms of magic, aside from basic reinforcement and self-recovery spells. That being said, her capabilities with her magic blades are so incredibly high that she can even wipe out entire greatarmor units solely on her own. That being said, her swords are not unbreakable and sufficient skill is capable of deflecting them or dodging them. Additionally, magical countermeasures are more likely to find success then mundane ones due to the swords' nature as magical constructs. Alistasia herself is nothing more then a small, fragile, doll-like girl no matter how capable she is of slaughtering the enemy with blades. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Alistasia has excellent aim, is highly intelligent, and is a very capable commanding officer. Additionally, as a Grand Captain, she can take command of all Grandian forces on the battlefield whenever she chooses. [*][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] A seemingly ordinary rifle and ordinary set of bullets. However, due to Alistasia's deep affinity for and adoration of swords, every bullet fired by her is warped, becoming an explosion of blades upon impact. [*][b][u]Origin:[/u][/b] Native[/list] Alistasia here is meant to be a fairly major antagonist, so don't take her as a signal of how your character should definitely be(at least to start with). Though she should help signify what magic is like as well.