[b]Damien Kane[/b] Damien took a step out of the old shack he'd spent the night in, and surveyed the slums of Engine City. Various people were leaning against the walls of the alley, dressed in ragged clothes, and trash littered the ground. He looked over at one of the nearby men, who he had hired as a guard, and asked him why no-one had come for medical attention. "Well sir," he replied with a gruff voice, "people've heard about the quarantine, and are afraid they might get infected." Damien stared at the man for a moment. "Where is the quarantine zone?" The man pointed in the general direction, and Damien took off. [i]Why would an area be quarantined?[/i] he thought to himself as he headed that direction. He suddenly stopped as he rounded a corner, CDC and SWAT teams covered the area, seemingly working to build a make-shift fence of some kind. Damien quickly backed into a nearby alley, and climbed up a fire escape to the roof of a building. He looked out over the quarantined area, and saw people wondering aimlessly through the streets. Every now and then they would bump into each-other, then continue walking like nothing had happened. [i]What is going on?[/i] he thought, astonished by their behavior. He sat down and stared, deciding to wait, and see what other situations may arise.