[@Timemaster] They seem more like halflings than gnomes, seeing as gnomes typically have higher intelligence and put little faith in Gods, instead focusing most of their efforts to improve life through ingenuity and creation. It is possible to play a less intelligence gnome subrace, but here still they'd be less inclined to look toward Gods, heavy mercantilism and roman sounding names. Are you sure you want to go on with this idea? Also, silver is a bad color to put into color on the map, and a darkish gray is already in use by Pyromaniacwolf's lycan race. I advise you to change it to a more recognizable one. [@Lauder] At first I was against the idea of the dwarves being here all along, but I warmed to it as I read the rest of the clan's history. I especially liked your clan's view on metalwork! Welcome to the roleplay, at last! I'll fill you in on more general dwarven lore you'll need to know when the roleplay itself starts.