[color=silver][center][h2]Fujita Yue[/h2][/center][/color] Age: 17 TIS: 3 years Nationality: Japanese [center][img]https://preview.ibb.co/dUAGtw/Robin2.jpg[/img][/center] [hider= Ready to fight][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gmCUDw/Robin5.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] He spoke in an undertone, very audible to others and hid his face behind a hat. It wasn’t necessarily that that the awkwardly tall kid was shy, but he certainly seemed anxious. Standing at 5’7”, he was lean and thin, which gave him the appearance of someone much taller, especially when he wore his coat. Outside of school he chose to avoid the spotlight of students. Often seen wearing a beige newsboy hat, and keeping his head low. He rarely chose to wear bright colors. Afraid to perhaps standout too much. And even if the black hair, blue eyed individual wasn’t hiding from the other students a strict household has made it nearly impossible for him to have a normal social life in the first place. He weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. [hider= Clothing reference][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/bPdrRG/Robin3.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Personality: Yue is a very quiet individual. Which often is the reason there are so many rumors in school that have followed him over the years. Some say he can put curses on people and some say that he’s actually going to murder all the other students. Except that none of those are Yue. Those who know Yue, and few do, know him as a genuinely passionate, compassionate kid. He is kind and rather tender hearted. To the point it might seem like he’s overly sensitive to others empathy, but that’s not necessarily the case. Because he is so quiet and rarely speaks out it makes him out to seem honestly too caring. When Yue is in a social situation he is very anxious. All though not timid, he can be quite shy meeting new people. Growing up in the strict household he has, he is a strickler for rules as well. Such as never being home no later than eight. And following all the school rules to the point it seems like he harps on the other students for not following the rules. Usually with a look, he rarely says anything, but some students who break the rules say Yue gives them a look that makes them feel guilty for hours. Except that’s not really Yue’s intent to do so. And while he is a quiet kid, who rarely says anything to others. Everyone has an inner demon they are fighting. While quiet, and seeming to roll with the punches. Yue can still feel trapped and imprisoned by his current life predicament. He feels a little rage. A little bitterness to his parents. The desire to be able to get out of his shell. But the fear and uncertainty if he ever did so scares him too much to even consider it. Hobbies and Interest: Ironically, because it might seem like he doesn’t enjoy it, Yue likes studying for test and reading the school textbook. He’s always read the textbook ahead of class and known for good grades. He likes to discover new things and be challenged by new things. But he’s never really done anything outside of his school. His parents worried about too demanding of sports, so they requested he do tennis or something less physically demanding. His parents decided on what college he was going to go to when he graduated and signed him up for prepatory college after school as to fill up his time at night. He spends most of the time on homework. And is rarely invited by other students who see him as a goody two shoes. Or a teacher’s pet. Without understanding the circumstances. He does like video games. As long as he has earned them. His parents won’t allow him to play most games on school nights. And he recently came upon a deck of cards left on the school bench. No one claimed them after he tried to find its owners, but he has begun to do research on them. He’s not so certain he can do anything with them though. Background: Yue has always been use to his father’s job taking him away from the house. It was never really disclosed as to what his father does. Some management of an entertainment store for a long time in Akihabara. Except that they lived in Sapporo at the time. His mother he wasn’t so sure what she did. She mostly stayed home and marked her success based on her husband and her son’s success. She actually, more than his father, pushed him the hardest to do better in school. Always signing him up for extra activities. The main focus had always been his education. An only child and his parents unable to conceive another child all the pressure was drawn on him to make the family more successful. His father dreamed of fame and glory. His mother dreamed of being a woman on the arms of someone successful. None of them ever seemed too happy with their current life. And they took all the dissatisfaction of their own lives on him. Higher grades. Honors classes. College prep. They never seemed to just love each other. If his father didn’t get the raise he wanted his mother would berate and belittle his father for being worthless. If his grades slipped even in the slightest he was berated and belittled. There was always pressure even at a young age to be better than all the other students in his school. Three years ago his father was asked to transfer to a new store being built in Shibuya. His parents argued. Afraid his grades would slip. Afraid he wasn’t going to get the education he needed. But they eventually moved. His father the sole manager of the store. Shibuya opened up some freedom in his life, as he got older. As long as he keeps up his grades and proves that he is doing the work, sometimes his father will bring him a game as a gift. Still a lot of his life is an isolating prison. Where he never quite fit in with the kids at school to begin with and being the new weird kid meant he never really managed a real social life outside of school. They all seemed interested in things he wasn’t allowed to do or things that he never really had the opportunity to explore.