[center] [IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171011/66fc376c1c88b9a54197e115f271436a.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c1/ed/d3/c1edd34fa57ff530a36fcc93f98c5285.gif[/IMG] [IMG] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171011/a4a47fb7293962ba84048deda31664d7.png[/IMG][/center][u]Quick Facts[/u] [list][*]16 years old, turning 17. [*]6’0 tall [*]Eldest of 6 children, all the rest are girls. [*]Passionate Quidditch Player [*]The only Ravenclaw from his family. [*]Pureblood [*]Twins [url= https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/42/fb/c342fb98c232a881f12fe950cad2a267.jpg]Anna and Emma[/url] are in Hufflepuff both 14, [url= http://www.haathichiti.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/kristina-pimeninova.jpg]Ester[/url] is in Gryffindor at 12 and the other twins, [url= https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/50/e4/1950e41305b67d8d7480f270e1ca694d.jpg]Madeline and Merissa[/url] are 5. [*]Has an unhealthy obsession with Chocolate. [*]Can’t stand carrots. [*]Works out pretty regularly to keep in shape.[/list] [center][IMG]https://66.media.tumblr.com/bef9f88ce62b59a393539026d5e0f2f5/tumblr_p7js0haXNj1xq3259o1_r2_540.gif[/IMG][/center] [u]Personality[/u] Zander is a fun loving laughing joking soul who plays dumb but is smarter than more people give him credit for. While his grades are on the higher end of things, he does lose track of his homework and has had a few grades slip because of it due to his major focus on Quidditch. Zander is a bit of a lady’s man as he truly enjoys flirting and even taking girls on dates. Mentally and maybe physically sweeping them off their feet before dropping them for another chase; he’s young so why not? This is not something he does on purpose though, in fact he feels bad when it occurs but if you’re not interesting enough to keep his attention he’ll move on; simple as that. This hasn’t caused any bad blood among the students as he’s just a genuinely nice guy but some girls have become more aware of his actions and learned not to read too much into his kindness. [u]Background[/u] Um… to be determined… [center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BadConstantBug-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center]