[quote=@Shard] I pimped the sheet a bit. Hope that's alright. [hider=Aiden Creed] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YGJ8KOA.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/04/21/35/042135455ea1271f612b5fbd5d5151a2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/892sA56.png[/img][/center] [u][color=a187be][b]Basic Information[/b][/color][/u] [color=a187be]Name[/color] Aiden Creed. [color=a187be]Gender[/color] Male. [color=a187be]Age[/color] Sixteen. [color=a187be]Sexuality[/color] Homosexual, closeted. [color=a187be]Relationship Status[/color] Nope. [u][color=a187be][b]In Depth Information[/b][/color][/u] [color=a187be]Appearance[/color] Let us start from the top, moving our gaze towards Aiden's hair. As it is, Aiden possesses a mop of thick, black hair which proceeds down the left side in a fringe of unkempt streaks. The strands of his hair are rather silky, and incredibly smooth to the touch. Some people have called it luscious, but Aiden would insist that they are overdoing it. A set of large, black eyes rest above his nose peering forward with a level of disinterest which would draw him appearing bored, and less than amused. Is it a resting bitch face? Not truly, but rather he can appear melancholy most times, even though such dark emotions are far from clouding his mind. As for facial hair, Aiden seems to have been spared most of its demands, calling for any level of bladed contact. Speaking of his skin, Aiden is rather pale. It is however safe to say, that it runs in the family. Another thing that appears prevalent within the Creeds would be their slight frames. Aiden stands at a meager five feet, and three inches at sixteen years of age, with a slight ninety pounds to carry him. He is incredibly slender, to the point of scrawniness where one would clearly see those ribs if his shirt appears elsewhere than on his torso. As a person who has been active throughout his life, the marks of experience make their way across his exposed frame in the form of smaller scars, and bruises. Aiden, having spent a lot of time in the forest and similar locales, has since an age back been closely acquainted to pebble covered grounds, stones and dirt roads. One should of course mention the myriad of trees he has climbed since an ever-younger body allowed. Every person possesses a scent. Some people appear to blanket themselves in it strongly, enough so for other humans to notice, and others are incredibly subtle. Aiden smells of forest leaves, and nature's touch more often, than not. It is considered rather harmonic, rather serene, and most of all, quite pleasant. Rather fitting, Aiden has a pair of rather effeminate hands, his skin soft and gentle. Aiden's voice is light, and somewhat raspy to the ear. Given how he is the quieter type, he might just not be used to running his mouth for a long amount of time. Finally, we'll finish with Aiden's choice of attire. Comfort is the word that comes to mind, comfort and affordable accommodations. A notable feature would perhaps be the tired and mellow appearance Aiden gives off, lacking in sleep and any healthy level of nourishment. [color=a187be]Height[/color] Five feet, three inches. [color=a187be]Weight[/color] Ninety pounds. [color=a187be]Ethnicity[/color] British. [color=a187be]Rift[/color] Britain. [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dotd/images/f/ff/Skull_purple.png/revision/latest?cb=20110509234636[/img][/center] [color=a187be]Personality[/color] Withdrawn, reserved and fidgety might be three words one would use to describe this young man. Words leave his lips at the behest of need, rather than comfort or social pursuits. Aiden is quite clearly plagued by haunting spirits within his own mind and it is apparent upon his frame. Aiden can come off as apathetic and reluctant towards company, but this isn't the case. Indeed, Aiden enjoys company more so than he lets off. It offers some form of comfort in the face of his inner demons, so to speak. Opposed to the archetype, Aiden is not in opposition to physical signs of affection. He wouldn't recoil in the face of an embrace, and he doesn't push others away. Aiden is a closed book, keeping most of his thoughts to himself though offers the opportunity to flip those pages for a friend. The young man is often beneath the crushing voices of his inner plagues, the never ending sounds of whispering demons nestled within his mind. Due to this, Aiden might be difficult to interact with, but given enough time, one would lay eyes upon quite a sweet young man. Whether an attempt to escape his own plight, or a desire to do good, Aiden enjoys helping others to the best of his ability. Though, this pursuit if often hindered by the fact that many choose to avoid a mental patient. [color=a187be]Mission[/color] Aiden's main drive is to find his place, to confront his demons. Plagued by ghosts of the past, and voices within his mind, the boy is haplessly lost, in a pursuit he has yet to learn. [color=a187be]Clothing[/color] Aiden wears simple clothing consisting of cargo pants, t-shirts and hoodies. Upon his feet, he wears typical canvas shoes, with all of his clothing coming off a tad too baggy for his slender form. Sleeves tend to hang down his bony fingers, and his pants require belts to stay up. [color=a187be]Weaponry[/color] Aiden does not have access to weaponry. [color=a187be]Equipment[/color] Aiden always wears a shoulder bag where he keeps a small pencil case, and a sketch book. [u][b][color=a187be]Spiritual Information[/color][/b][/u] [color=a187be]Beliefs[/color] The concept of faith was lost to Aiden some time ago. [color=a187be]Religious Trinkets[/color] None. [u][color=a187be][b]Feats[/b][/color][/u] [color=a187be]Power[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kuVK0Cr.png[/img] Aiden possesses a peculiar ability to cause necrosis in material tissue. With this power, the young man can act much like a virus, or infestation, where he can infect an individual or object with a withering plague. This causes the victim to suffer an effect similar to that of necrosis where both organic, and inorganic tissue withers, ages and rots. This ability is clearly visible upon use, where a black, and gray energy manifests itself. [color=a187be][i]Strengths[/i][/color] Necrotic Manifestations [i]- Much like the conjuring of ice and fire, Aiden is able to concentrate his ability into a dangerous beam, or wave of necrotic energy.[/i] Necrotic Body [i]- It would appear that Aiden's frame is immune to the strife of biological degeneration where his cells would otherwise split and degenerate. This has effectively halted Aiden's aging process entirely, however, this is still unknown to him.[/i] Necrotic Sight [i]- Aiden can see the physical health of an individual, and the level of biological degeneration they have suffered throughout their lives. Before he was able to shut this ability off at will, it added tremendously to his mental issues.[/i] [i][color=a187be]Weaknesses[/color][/i] Necrotic Curse [i]- Though his powers render him immune to biological degeneration, Aiden's ability constantly saps his mortal frame of energy which renders him tired, fatigued and weak. This also prevents Aiden from gaining weight, or building muscle as his powers would drain him of both.[/i] Necrotic Mind [i]- Perhaps not an immediate weakness caused by his powers, Aiden suffers from hallucinations, temporal psychosis, and inner voices. His physical weakness makes this much harder to resist.[/i] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dotd/images/f/ff/Skull_purple.png/revision/latest?cb=20110509234636[/img][/center] [u][color=a187be][b]Skills[/b][/color][/u] [i][color=a187be]Strengths[/color][/i] Drawing [i]- In a search for something to focus his attention, Aiden came across the art of drawing, and painting.[/i] Acrobatics [i]- Aiden as always been a bit of a wild child. He enjoys being active, and it's a way for him to clear his mind.[/i] Stealth [i]- Aiden isn't a saint. He has trespassed more often than he'd admit, and with that, comes not being caught.[/i] Pain Tolerance [i]- Due to abuse, Aiden has grown rather numb to pain.[/i] [color=a187be][i]Weaknesses[/i][/color] Physical Aptitude [i]- A weak, scrawny and slight frame leaves little to the imagination. Aiden can't throw a worthwhile punch to save his life.[/i] Resilience [i]- Despite being emotionally numb to pain, his body isn't able to take a lot of damage before going down.[/i] Combat [i]- Aiden isn't a physical combatant. He'd avoid confrontation at all costs.[/i] Mental Issues [i]- Aiden has a myriad of mental issues, involving hallucinations, voices inside of his head, temporal psychosis and sometimes mental manifestations which are hallucinations that can very well physically interact with him. These are, of course, only a figment of Aiden's very messed up imagination.[/i] Social Prowess [i]- Though kindhearted, and polite. Aiden can be a bit of a chore to be around, due to his issues.[/i] [u][color=a187be][b]Traits[/b][/color][/u] [color=a187be]Likes[/color] Plushies. Flowers. Company. Soda. Cats. Animals. Mainly Cats. Dogs, almost as much as cats. Drawing. The Outdoors. Listening to his iPod. [color=a187be]Dislikes[/color] Internal Voices. Confined Spaces. Vegetables. Sleeping. [color=a187be]Fears[/color] Spiders. Psychosis. The law. [u][color=a187be][b]Historical Information[/b][/color][/u] [color=a187be]Investigative Notes[/color] [i]- Found at the age of twelve beaten, and bloodied. Both of his parents appeared to have died from severe necrosis. - It was revealed that Aiden had been viciously abused until the age of twelve, when he was found. - Aiden displayed severe mental issues upon retrieval, the result of extreme trauma. - He was then admitted to a mental hospital where he has now spent four years. - Aiden is currently on medication, which has proved somewhat effective. - Aiden was recently released into the custody of a guardian.[/i] [color=a187be]History[/color] Growing up with abusive parents is not an original state of being. Indeed, a tale old and heard. Aiden would proceed to continue these statistics with peers turning their drug induced wrath towards an unwanted son. Hooking up at an early age, one mistake lead to another, and all too reckless lifestyle landed two previous lovebirds in a nest they could barely keep. Shifting their focus to alcohol and the ever releasing powder, Aiden was left to fend for himself for most parts of his life. Indeed, this lead to a great deal of hours spent outside the confines of the boy's home. It was a commodity for Aiden to seek comfort in the presence of others, though as many victims of domestic abuse, he kept the truth of what came to unfold behind closed doors, to himself. Aiden lived a rather common life, apart from his personal situation. A school day consisted of spending time with closer friends, and keeping a distance from those known as bullies. Upon reaching his home, he'd proceed to keep a distance from his parents as well, though this was not always a successful endeavor. [color=a187be]Rift History[/color] Upon the rifts coming to be, Aiden came to notice a notable shift in his being. That of which came in contact with him withered and rotted into nothingness, and his frame felt all the weaker. The beatings he took felt worse, due to this change. Retreating from the social pursuits which had once offered comfort, Aiden was understandably intrigued and terrified by these powers. Though, this fear turned him into a recluse, whereas in he attempted to learn enough, to prevent his powers from escaping his frame. This addition would however come to destroy the home Aiden once knew. Though he had come to learn how to control these abilities, enough physical trauma easily surpassed the walls he had built. This evidently lead to a reaction out of Aiden's control, where his aggressors met their end. [color=a187be]War History[/color] Aiden was eight years old during the war. Though he felt the effects of the cataclysmic event on a domestic scale, he was not personally involved in the war, in any way. [color=a187be]Alliance[/color] None. [u][b][color=a187be]Extra[/color][/b][/u] Those with the power to read minds, would be able to hear the myriad of voices inside Aiden's head. They would less than likely find it very comfortable. Aiden's favorite pastime apart from drawing, is learning about grand mythos such as Cthulu's world. Aiden's favorite video game is Overwatch. [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dotd/images/f/ff/Skull_purple.png/revision/latest?cb=20110509234636[/img][/center] [/hider] [/quote] I love the extra information you added! Good job sprucing things up! I do have a question or two before admitting the character though. 1. It said he was on medication and recently released into new custody. Does this mean he doesn't live in the world of the Rifters? Don't forget that the Rifters live in a wasteland that's only recently being rebuilt. They don't have a firm government for that type of thing, and more importantly they don't have medicine. Some clarification on that would be good! 2. While I truly love his power set... it doesn't match his Rift. The Britain Rift heavily revolves around manipulation of the eco-sphere and nature, not destruction of it. Honestly his powers more closely resemble the Russian and African Rifts. 3. The rules said no cartoons or anime for pictures, BUT I'll let this slide since you provided a pretty kick ass description for him. So those things need to be addressed, but I do dig the character! Just let me know about those few concerns.