[@Chenzor] [hider=NS] Nation Name: The Trading Imperium Represented Color: [color=gold] Gold [/color] Race: Halfling Features: Low strength, High Diplomacy, Medium intelligence, small, average reproduction rate Capital: Coinshire Ruler: William Orbcoin (using the halfling name generation, they say this is a proper halfling name) Type of Government: Family dictatorship Religion: The Trading Emporium has a nationwide belief in Tychos the God of Trade. By making offerings to him every month, they believe that the God will give them favorable trades. Geographical Location: [img]https://i.imgur.com/xwIVDx3.jpg[/img] History: The Trading Emporium was made a thousand years ago by Veski Orbcoin, a halfling that was supposed to be Tychos's avatar on the planet.Veski living 'till the age of 120 and left a big number of descendants that continued to build the trading emporium they now have. William Orbcoin is one of the many direct descendants that left the safety of the Trading Emporium to establish a new branch in the family business in yet-undiscovered lands so that he could prove himself in from of Tychos. He took with him a group of men and women and went on his journey. [/hider] Don't know why but when I wrote the NS, Gnome = Halfling = Hobbit in my mind. Changed the roman names to something more halfling-like, sorry...big fan of ancient Rome xD How does it look now?