[Center][h2]Heartless-Trainyard[/h2] [@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam][/center] The guard collapsed to the ground hard, he was definitely gonna be feeling that in the morning. Heartless chuckled lightly, tying the guy up quickly and efficiently. [color=gray]"Toss em into the train cars and make sure they're nice and secure. It would be really embarrassing if they ran in and started shooting at us in the middle of the heist."[/color] He said to Thunderbolt as he gagged his victim to make sure they wouldn't scream. As he got up and brushed off his pants of any dust he gave a thumbs up to Headhunter and everyone else, motioning for them to come to the front door. When they got there he would start talking. [color=gray]"Alright, I'm gonna go scout up top real quick. When I get back we can talk entry."[/color] With that being said he sunk into the wall of the warehouse, crawling up to the roof to peek through the skylights. He tried his best to make sure he wasn't illuminated by the moon and looked through the window, showing as little of his head as possible.