[img]https://image.prntscr.com/image/1DH0VgkPSSuFX39rzVr8fg.png[/img] Name: Retha Hal Gender: Girl Age: 40 Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 165lbs Personality: Retha is quite possibly the very definition of a ‘tiger mom’ and it comes out even more as a teacher. She is extremely strict and highly demanding pushing her students to the edge of both physical and mental sanity in order to draw out each student’s hidden potential she knows is in them. Retha will swear up and down that each student has a claim to greatness and can be the most important hero in their own way and is capable of saving millions. She has crazy high standards for each student depending on their quirk giving each student the one on one she feels they deserve to become great in their own ways. Regardless of how she seems outwardly Retha is very protective of her ‘babies’ and won’t hesitate to throw herself in harm’s way to save even one. Her lessons may be hard, but she only wants the best of them and regardless of how rigorous she trains them nothing too serious will ever befall a single student. Quirk: Molten Core: Retha’s body is an organic fully functional smelting plant running at an unfathomable temperature much too deadly for any normal human being to survive in. Her stomach acid is actually molten hot magma that is converted into the lava when she throws up; she can also control the amount of heat as well as the product, she releases from her mouth from a combustible black smog to a regular orange flame all the way up to her signature dazzling white fire that burns for more than 1,500 °C. Retha’s sweat is hot enough singe wood, her spit can catch certain objects on fire and her blood is impossible to measure as all wounds are instantly cauterized and pain relief is delivered in the form of searing hot embrace. Her hero suite is used to control the heat to a more stable temperature however, without the suite her body will continue to get hotter infinitely. Talents: Can control her gag reflex and projectile vomit on command. Physically durable to an absurd level, hand to hand expert though fights like a berserker when angry. Fun facts: Retha has fourteen brothers and sisters and she herself is apart of a triplet set. If Retha’s core body temperature gets too low she will shut down completely and be unable to move.