[quote=@LeamonZest89] I'm if for a lot of work with this thread ain't I? [i]Shivers as he imagines how fucking hard posting a monster fight scene will be[/i] Mother of god. [/quote] Well I mean, unless you introduce custom/player created monsters (which might be cool) all you'd really have to do is maybe watch a few videos of monsters or think about how they attack in the games, and then just convert that to descriptive writing, right? Then it's up to the players to figure out what might be coming next and react accordingly--if "the mighty Barroth lowers its huge, armor plated head," and starts "scraping the ground with its back feet, kicking up thick clods of soil and uprooting the sparse grass" for instance, the players who move away or use their shields/weapons to block won't get hit or take as much damage. But the player who keeps attacking would probably get tossed by its Charging Attack in the next post and be damaged or left vulnerable. And the great thing about MH is that it doesn't need a lot of guidance as far as Plot goes--Hunters hunt Monsters, who can appear anywhere at any time for any reason, and the peoples of the MH world use Monster parts for everything from food to clothing to construction. Hunt this Great Jaggi because its pack is tearing up Cantarco Farms. Hunt a Damiyo Hermitaur, with a Subquest for 6 Cephalos, because they all drop Large Monster Bones which can be used to help construct a "real" Guild Hall. Bring this person 2 Rathian Eggs because they're a gluttonous gourmet. And so on until we're ready to take on ancient beasts of nigh-godlike power!