[quote=@Nymeria] Hello all! I am completely brand new to this particular site so forgive me for any relative noob-ery. Also, don't hesitate to correct me if I do something wrong or strange. I am a 26-year-old housewife who was very into role playing back in high school. Things sort of fizzled out once I graduated and lost touch with many of my role playing buddies. This last year I was able to quit my full time job to focus more on art and painting while my husband took care of finances. Therefore, I have a lot of free time. Role playing was a major part of my art back in high school. I loved creating new characters with new backgrounds, personalities and looks. I want to get back into that. I have a degree in graphic design and I have been working on making and selling paintings recently but I also love digital painting. I used to role play mainly on an avatar based site called Gaia Online. I was more into what they called "literate" role plays: that is, what looks to be your casual to advanced role plays. As of right now, I'm more interested in the casual ones. I might go into advanced at some point, but for now, I think casual will be for me. I've done a wide variety of subjects. My favorites are medieval/fantasy role plays, romance, super powers or super hero role plays, psychological and I do some sci-fi from time to time. I really enjoy original stories/premises for role plays but I'm also okay with doing something based in an existing world with original characters. I like face-paced role plays with plenty of action and adventure. I'm good with both group stories and 1 on 1. I'm a gamer, especially rpg's (big shock there) and I enjoy fantasy television and movies. I'm very into Game of Thrones right now. I've seen every episode and I started reading the books though I only made it to book 2 or 3...I don't remember, it was a while ago. I also like older Legend of Zelda (I stopped playing the new ones after Twilight Princess came out), the Fallout games, Skyrim, I'm currently playing Witcher 3 (which I got as a gift. Unfortunately, I have not playing the previous two, but I would like to), the Fable games, I played some of the Batman Arkham games, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (the console game, but I also played the mmorpg for a while) and more I can't think of at the moment. As far as movie and tv goes, I like Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things, the Batman universe, Star Wars, Sucker Punch etc. I would love some suggestions of where to get started. If you have a new role play starting soon or one that just started and needs new members, let me know. I've always thought finding and joining are the hard parts. So if anyone can help me/give me some recommendations, I'd really appreciate it! [/quote] As the great Jedi once said... [Centre][h2]"Hello there!" [/h2][/centre]