[center][b][u]July 8th, 9:36 PM Warehouse District; Hub City, Illinois[/u][/b] [img]https://s1.postimg.org/1atviai6pr/Bruce_Phoenix_header.png[/img] & [img]https://s26.postimg.org/t15wc76o9/The_Question.png[/img] [color=lemonchiffon]"Breathe in slowly, feel the breath fill your lungs and the energy fill your body. Feel it move from your nose to the center of your chest, then spread slowly out until it suffuses even your fingertips and your toes. Then, breathe out slowly feeling the rhythm of your breathing, the slowing beat of your heart and the release of energy back out into the world. Feel the connection, beyond your body, ebbing and flowing with each breath. In, out. Let distractions fade away until there's nothing but your breath, your heartbeat, and the slow pulse of the world."[/color] Bruce liked to end training sessions with a cooldown meditation of sorts. It was one of the first steps of cultivating good awareness and flow of chi and done properly it de-escalated a lot of the intensity that came with sparring and physical training. He could tell his current student was less than focused, but he just waited for the source of the inevitable interruption to make itself known. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. [color=004b80][i]'I am one with the world. The birds chirping, the water flowing, the warm summer breeze, the people walking in the street, the pushers hiding in the alley, the junkies shooting up, the murderous scum slitting throats...'[/i][/color] Oscar's face scrunched up as his thoughts continued to drift, though he kept his eyes closed, attempting to calm himself. Inhale. Ex- [i][b]BANG![/b][/i] His eyes shot open. [color=004b80]"A gunshot! I've got to get my mask on, get to the scene ASAP, I-'"[/color] He was already standing and looking around when his thoughts came to a sudden halt, finally seeing the pipe that had fallen onto the concrete ground. [color=004b80]"... Shit."[/color] He muttered, turning towards his sensei. [color=004b80]"Sorry. I shouldn't have worried about it."[/color] Bruce couldn't help chuckling at the Question's overzealous reaction. [color=lemonchiffon]"No problem, in fact it was enlightening. We've been training every night for around three months. I think it's time you got out into the field again and put what I've been teaching you to the test. The point of learning all this is to use it, after all."[/color] Bruce's mouth quirked as he nudged the fallen pipe with his foot. [color=lemonchiffon]"Besides, another few days of this and you'll be fighting the plumbing instead."[/color] Oscar chuckled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. [color=004b80]"Yeah, it's kinda hard not going out every night and punching the crap out of criminals."[/color] He joked. [color=lemonchiffon]"Well in that case, we better find the right criminals to punch."[/color] [color=004b80]"Heh. That we should."[/color][/center]