[center][h1][color=gold] Vashti [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Suddenly turning rapidly on her heel, Vashti stopped herself in place and hide behind the cashier's desk in the store, only chancing peeping around the side at the front door to see if whatever had been chasing her followed her in. Apparently not having been followed in by her flying nemesis, who had given away a bit more info than perhaps should have been, the half-Alv let out a sigh of relief before pulling her head back behind the desk again. Jeez, what day was it that she was followed by some military Automata, if her pursuer's words were to be taken literally in part with the altered machine seeming naivete. But at least the robot had seemingly avoided blowing the place up or crashing inside like an idiot. That was actually smart, though was also something the half-Alv had counted on. "Miss, what in heavens are you doing" the cashier asked her, the woman giving her a steep frown as she put her hands on her hips. Blinking in realization she was actually in another store, the adrenaline fading just a little as she was sitting, Vashti looked up at an frustrated looking human cashier woman and gave a sheepish smile. [color=gold]"Eh, the guy in the shop down the street tried to touch my butt while i was looking at the trinkets he sold....so i slapped him and grabbed a few of his things as payment before running off,"[/color] she said, her tone slightly guilty but with a notable mischievous tint to it that she could not help but have leak through, [color=gold]"Now i have some crazy military automata that is chasing me, aaand that about sums it up."[/color] The cashier sighed aloud, running one of her hands down her face in exasperation at the story and moment, though having seen said "robot" fly by just after the half-Alv dipped in....it seemed believable. That and one of her customers had noted hearing a shout about a thief not too long ago....she did not get payed enough to deal with all of this, to be frank. Not payed enough at all. Still, she knew the guy this random girl with a Granadian accent was talking about. She hated that guy. And though this girl sounded Granadian, it wasn't enough in the cashier's eyes to "Tell you what, kid, i'll give you some help in getting out of here and one or two trinkets were have to throw away anyways, but only if you drop the stuff you stole so we can bring it back to the guy, ok?" the employee said, letting out a deep and tired sigh before looking back up at the doorway and then back at the thief in her midst, "My manager won't notice, we get rid of some crap, that ass of a guy gets embarrassed, and you get out of here without getting my store or customers vaporized. Deal?" The half-Alv went into a thoughtful look for a minute...before allowing a large grin to cross her face in the process. Hey, it was some help she hadn't expected, but it was more than welcome in her book. Besides, the fun of doing some improvisation to get out with broken items wouldn't be bad, right? [color=gold]"Yeah, you have a deal!"[/color], Vashti said, giving a hearty nod to the employee as they nodded and went back to grab the items. A few moments later they returned, a portable mirror in hand and a small toy rat, both of which she handed down to Vashti with a look of desperation to just get this over with, though perhaps in some small part rooting for the upbeat half-Alb in all of this. After all, it did kill the monotony of the day and added something to her list of stories to tell her family at home. "A broken mirror that absorbs too much light and shines like a spotlight due to the enchantment having been made wrong, and a returned magitech mouse that is supposed to play with cats, but just makes a lot of smoke and noise while moving around erratically because the wiring is defunct.... Good luck." With that, the cashier looked back up and returned to her job, leaving Vashti with little tools and...mmm, perhaps an idea forming. Actually, she had an idea after looking at the items. A rough and desperate one, but hey, it was worth a shot to get out of here. After a minute the door to the shop would open, and after a second a small, mechanical mouse would zip out of the door in front of Rho and Phi. Perhaps some child had decided to play with it? Though after a minute, things got decidedly odd as the mechanical mouse began to produce smoke, more and more as it began to sputter, cough, and make screeching rat noises like it was about to go "pop" on the sidewalk right in front of the doorway. At the same time, however, something or someone leapt through the smoke, dashing out of the front of the shop door with what seemed like a cracked mirror in their left hand. Actually, the person leaping through the smoke and making a run for it was the dog-like robots' target! Indeed, Vashti was bolting away, running back across the street, unintentionally in the direction of a certain princess and her entourage who seemed to be indulging a shop-keeper at the moment. But given that the automata had not blown the roof off of the place, despite talking of exploding her, the half-Alv decided to take the chance this automata would not fire any weapons around a group of people. Much less around [b]nobility[/b] of all things. Or at least, that was what Vashti was guessing the princess-dressed girl she had waved to was. [color=gold]"I wish i had time to wire these things......could've been fun......stupid robot.....,"[/color] Vashti said to herself quietly, pouting for a moment like a child with puffed cheeks before returning to her usual self again as she ran forwards at all the speed her legs could carry her, mirror ready in case she heard her pursuer behind her again. Because if that happened...maybe she was ready this time? Really, she hadn't the time to think this through much, much less think of how she was going to escape this entourage of people after getting over to them and trying to once again ditch the [i]military[/i] automata of all things that was chasing her. But hey, the times were tough, and she had to get going. [color=gold]"Everybody move, there's a crazy military automata chasing me!"[/color] the half-Alv shouted as she continued her fleeing right towards where the merchant, princess, and as she could now see some silver-haired guy as well. Odd. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Polaris North][@VitaVitaAR][@PKMNB0Y]