[color=#C19A6B][h2]Darius Jura[/h2][/color] Darius scoffed at Aramir's words to Mar. He scowled at the elf. [color=#C19A6B]"Do not create lies to comfort her. The college is neutral. There is...there is nothing we or the college [i]can[/i] do for Yarosmere unless we want to start a war between the college and Yarosmere."[/color] Motes of air popped and snapped around Darius as he watched Aramir grab the stone she was incessantly shouting for earlier and break it. Other than that, he stayed silent as the rebels came from the shadows and took them to their base of operations. The time at the headquarters was of little note to Darius other than right after traveling and making his choice of recently stolen weapons. He stayed quiet and let the others talk to the rebels and was among the first to leave to the college. Luckily, this time wasn't as bad and he was able to keep from retching. He made his way to Uicle's office. He had his report to give to the suit of armor. As he passed through the courtyard, he took note of the two people talking to Val. They didn't look like a threat, so he paid them no mind and continued his march to Uicle's office. Once there, he rapped sharply on the Necromancer's door and waited.