[hr][hr][center][h1][color=fdc68a]October [/color]& [color=yellow]Bonnie[/color][/h1][img]https://s26.postimg.org/xz7sy3qqx/octobonnie.gif[/img][hr][b]Interacting With[/b]: Everyone [@Nallore] [b]Location[/b]: the Zephyr (Cockpit)[/center][hr][hr] Coulson considered Cassandra's request. The Gifted Index itself was controversial, to say the least. Individuals like Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr were outspoken against it, claiming that registration of any group of people was inherently prejudiced. But protocol was protocol--and S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't protect the world from people with gifts without knowing who they were. And they wouldn't be able to protect gifted individuals from the world either. May shook her head slightly, anticipating Coulson's response. "We can't do that, Agent Reed. The list is secure--our eyes only. Your sister's identity will be protected just like any other individual," Coulson said firmly. His tone implied that there wouldn't be a discussion about this. Rules could be bent and protocol overlooked, but this apparently wasn't going to be a situation like that. Quite understandably, October's internal temperature shot up a few degrees. Small wisps of smoke came from her dress, with the blonde haired girl seemingly not noticing. [color=fdc68a]"How would you like to be put on a list and monitored, Agent?"[/color] October interjected. "He doesn't have to answer that," May said coldly, but Coulson held up a hand. "I am on a list and monitored. So is every agent in this room." [color=fdc68a]"By choice. You weren't born a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent,"[/color] October replied. She may have helped these agents live, but she wasn't going to allow herself to just be registered. Bonnie had remained silent for the most part so far, considering her options. She had already pushed her luck once today. But still, she had made a promise to Cassandra to try to help. [color=yellow]"What if they were placed on the index, without monitoring provided they send in reports to S.H.I.E.L.D. once every month?"[/color] Bonnie suggested. [color=yellow]"With all due respect, sir, HYDRA infiltrated us. We could use all the help we can get."[/color]