[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=FireBrick] Samhain Intrigues [/color][/h1] [img]https://gargarstegosaurus.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/soe-ep-1h.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Gates to Under the Mountain-[/color][/h2] The days had gotten colder. The troupe of humans had grown weary of their trek as it had led them further North. Towards and into the hilly roots of the tall, snow capped mountains. High above the sky darkened to a inky black. Wind hisses and howled through the far away peaks, carrying the slight sounds of wails and roars that might belong to something more. But soon the moans and cackle of the wind changed from above to below. Seeming to come from the earth itself as the mountain seemed to swallow the sky. The descent was not one mortals would notice at first, tired and hungry as they were. The stench of magic and the glean of laughter on that fell upward flowing wind carried tell to the Fae of the group. This was one of many entrances to a great city. One of the few to survive the rise and tide of time and tragedy. It’s name was long lost to time and possible memory. The once sheer cliffs to either side defined themselves as a tunnel that reeked of damp earth and the echoing sounds of a cavern. But still the road led on. Twisting lower, with gleaming gems and moss giving enough light to see by. The mortals would struggle to see, but to the Fae it was a mild inconvenience. Undoubtedly to make the newcomers nervous, and it was working in ways a month of travel did not. Several humans stumbled, or balked at going farther. Yet they could hardly stop, drawn deeper though they did not look like they willed it. The tantalizing sound of a syllabant harp twanging deep in the heart of the earth. A eerie voice whispering a lullaby in another language, urging the humans into it’s lair. Deeper they went, the walk’s length was unknown. Days, hours, or mere minutes. The song could not be resisted. However when they entered the large cavernous hall before the Gates, several of the mortals stifled gasps and screams. The light had gotten better casting a horrid ghastly hue of blue across the stone floor. Pitted with puddles of what certainly contained more than mere water. Hanging from the stalagmites were corpses of Mortal and Fae alike. Some even still alive as they swayed from various contraptions, Pleading for that final release of death and receiving nothing. Word of the little party had arrived ahead of them it seemed. For merely a hundred yards ahead was a large fifty foot tall gate wrought of iron and silver. Oiled by blood and held together by a large and thick cord. From said cord hung the torso of a women. Her thick black hair falling below her. A face that had once been beautiful, and still was if not for the black flecks upon it. If not for her hollow cheeks and eyes. If not for that smiling mouth was twisted with a sadistic glee. There were even more screeches as she let the harp drop from her hands to clatter against the stone flagons. Her hands twisted into black tipped claws. So it was then she spoke, her voice a coo and missing the obvious pain she must be in. [color=Gold]”Ssso many new Mortalsss. Kiron will be muy interested. Muchasss graciasss, mi bien Yin. Wolf.”[/color] The woman’s voice was strained and her accent spoke highly of that of a native Spaniard. Spreading her hands, her clothing was composed of a tight black wrap about her torso that disappeared into the large cord that held the Gates together. [color=Gold]”Buenosss nochesss, humanosss. Bienvenido a Under a Mountain. Mi debido, Generalssss? To enter the bein city?”[/color] She crooned to Yin and Kaeleer. They would know her as the Sentinel of the Gate. A guardswoman. A rat catcher. Desdemona was not a natural to the World of the Fae. Once roaming the Mortal Realm as a Wylde Fae. She joined the grand UnSeelie Court merely four hundred years ago. A spot that stung her pride, as she was looked so lowly upon by the Grand Families, though she claimed herself far older than their oldest ancient. But for all she was looked down upon, she was something of the most sought after Naga in the city. A twenty foot long black cobra, the being was well known for toying with her food. Already she eyed up the mortals as they shifted about nervously. Wondering which would be granted to her for the toll as she thought was her due. Unfortunately, these were under Falk’s direct hand and thus out of her reach. Had they been personally owned by either Fox or Hound. She would perhaps have [i]some[/i] claim to a small one. Desdemona Liguardia had fallen a long way in the last few centuries. Behind her the relief of the gate was cast with that same blue light that showed more of the interesting pastimes of the UnSeelie Fae Beneath the Mountain. Each had a different taste, each more horrid than the next. The tunnel however was the only real entrance that opened to the South. It still would be a good hour till they reached the City proper. There were various tuns off to lesser wanted tunnels. But the City was the Gem of Under the Mountain. The other ‘entrance’ led North and that was forbidden use save by Falk and his chosen. Those that tried often decorated these corridors. The maze that filled the mountains and housed terror beyond image. Though soon these mortals would see some. A rumble far off promised it. Youngesters were excited to have a chance at fresh meat. Whether they were on the menu or not. [hider=Translation] (Thank you, my good Yin. Good night humans. Welcome to Under the Mountain. My toll?) [/hider] [/center]