[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/5db4b43e-4be7-4e7b-870d-69138e88c951.jpg] BELLONA VALENTIA BLACK age 121, married at 35 born 10/04/1024 Bellona is the queen of Wiz and is known for her patience and kindness...although, she does little to help Wiz improve due to her love for the king. Born as Valentia Mancini, she felt proud of being descended from Valhalla the Protector and dreamed of following in his footsteps by becoming a bodyguard for the royal family. Unfortunately, Valentia was not born with enough magic to protect someone as important as royalty and quickly gave up her dream. She decided to use her mind and devoted her time to studying with the hope of becoming a scholar. During Queen Bellarose’s rule, she felt sorry for the people who fell under the poverty line, but she did not lift a finger to help them. She was more loyal to her family than to suffering strangers and did not want to risk becoming poor because she donated some of the Mancini fortune. When the prince executed the queen and created the Wizard Council, she felt proud of her younger brother for becoming the prince’s protector despite the hidden, slight jealously at him for becoming exactly what she dreamed of as a child. When she was introduced by Valiant to Belzeneff for the first time, Valentia felt nervous meeting the prince but still managed to smile and talk easily with him. Her nervousness and jealously simmered down into nothing as they were slowly replaced with friendship and passion over time. A long while afterwards, after falling in love, Belzeneff proposed and she happily accepted. She changed her name to Bellona Black and became queen alongside Belzeneff during his crowning as king. Even if she was not a scholar, Bellona was smart enough and understood her husband well, and made it clear to him that she had no interest in claiming power for herself. Instead, she did what she could to give more power to Belzeneff and supported anything no matter how ridiculous it was such as that strange "His name must always be capitalized" law. In her eyes, Belzeneff keeping the power for himself and suppressing the magic of wizards and oppressing the poor means that nobody will be powerful enough to harm any of her loved ones. Eventually, Bellona informed her husband of an idea to make the wizard council completely loyal to him and then carried out her plan after getting his approval. She had Valyn teach her how to brew powerful potions and then altered the recipe to instill loyalty in those who drank it. She wanted absolutely no chance that somebody will betray them and makes sure that the wizard council and staff in the castle are secretly under obedience potions. Her devotion to Belzeneff is still probably stronger than the wizard under the loyalty potions. The few times she felt upset at Belzeneff personally were if he spent time with mistresses, but she never felt mad for long, and decided not to let her jealously get the best of her as long as she remains the only one he truly loves. Bellona has eight children with Belzeneff, nine including Belisario and ten including Bellisiah, and cares about them all even if she favors some more than the others. She was unhappy about the Belladon being sent away and felt overjoyed when he finally came back and showered him with love. With Belladonna though, Bellona tends to avoid her daughter because she knows that she hates her. She doesn't know where they went wrong with the twins, so when Bellerophon was born she gave him her full attention to avoid the same problems. Bellona personally made sure he spent his childhood having reasons to love her and Belzeneff and it worked so well that Bellerophon ended up almost as loyal to Belzeneff as her. Bellona lost her fourth child Belissiah a few hours after his birth, so it was easy for her to accept Belisario as her son, who she sees as a gift from Oz to replace her dead baby and treats him with kindness. Belshazzar ended up as her favorite because he shares the same love for knowledge as she does and he was the first child she had after the death of Belissiah, so she became overprotective of him. She always stays by his side if he hurts himself in his experiments and Bellona enjoys speaking to him about science. Her constant attention on Belshazzar, however, ended up with her not spending as much time with her youngest four children. Belvedere and Bellarino hate her and she hates them as much as Belzeneff hates the oldest twins, much to her shame, and they often make her cry. Belmarie persistently begs to accompany her every time she is invited to a party, but they get along well and are close. Belial is entirely distant from her, but she managed to realize her mistake in time to fix her relationship with Bellakane and develop a decent mother-daughter bond. Ultimately, she cares more about Belzeneff and the rest of her family more than she cares about the citizens of Wiz. [/center] [hider= random] List of Bellona's favorite children by order 1. Belshazzar 2. Belladon 3. Bellerophon 4. Belmarie 5. Bellakane 6. Belisario 7. Belial 8. Belladonna 9. Belvedere/Bellarino [/hider]