She took a deep breath, but before she could figure out how to reply Axel was kneeling before her. "Oh, stop that," Lee told him, holding out her hand so she could pull him back to his feet. Once he was up she took a step away, turning to face a cluster of shrubbery and flowers. "I'm sorry you were forced out of your home...and your job?" She was not sure how to fit all the information together in a way that made sense, but he'd certainly lost /something/, his manner made that much clear. "But this is a lot to process. And what's more, you deceived me. I can understand why you'd feel it necessary, but I still don't like it." A frown creased her forehead. "Before anything else, at least tell me where we are. Which direction is town?" After a minute to get her bearings properly, Lee tried to listen to noise from inside the building. She didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. She could sense Axel's earnest expression without even trying. And...she figured he'd had a tough time, even if she didn't understand what was going on. "I suppose I'm willing to meet your...friends? Coworkers? ...The others, at least. But I meant it when I said I don't wish to go inside. If they want to introduce themselves, they come out here." And she didn't intend to let any of them get too close -- nor would she let them surround her, if she could help it. "I guess...I'll figure out what I'm willing to do from there." It was ridiculous, and a part of her couldn't believe she wasn't just leaving. She didn't know these people. She didn't have any idea what they intended. [i]My friends know what's up,[/i] Lee reminded herself. [i]And Sparks can track my phone, if he has to. Just meeting them out here won't hurt...will it?[/i]