"We should load the Highlander with all the food and supplies we can and burn for the edge of the system," Junebug declared as she sipped at the tumbler of liquor. It was straw colored and claimed to be scotch but if it differed from industrial alcohol and water by more than a few points on a spectrometer Junebug would have lost a bet. They sat in the bar of The Level, the atmosphere significantly changed since there last visit. A few of the dancing girls still gyrated half heartedly, including one spectacularly gifted brunette, but the attention of the patrons was universally on the vid screens. Even with the usual enthusiasm muted, between the clashing techno music and the mutter of conversation Sayeeda couldn't hear the voice of the news casters. A crawl ran along the bottom declaring, 'Plantery Emergency', and 'Duke Cho-Lan calls for Council of War' among other such messages as were deemed appropriate for public consumption. "We don't know how far out the Darkspace anomaly spreads," Neil replied, pulling his attention away from the brunette with some difficulty. His face darkened slightly as he processd her words. "Besides we can't just abandon an entire planet," Neil said a little more emphatically. Junebug's whole body hurt, she had left the infirmity very much against doctors orders and it still hurt where she had torn the IVs from her arms and neck. It would be alright she was sure, she had alot of experience with injury and so long as she kept up with it, it would be alright. "I really doubt that a retired Armored Captain and a former mechpilot are going to tip the scales on this one. Maybe we could get some short term cryogear..." There was a disruption at the door, not a fight exactly but a compression of the crowd that sent an organic wave through the bar. A trio of soldiers in ceramic body armor bearing the white and purple hatching of Cho-Lan were forcing there way into the crowded bar. Behind them stood a brown skinned woman in her mid forties, she was short but powerfully muscled and moved with a slight limp. Unlike her underlings she wore a simple black battledress of unfamiliar design with silver piping on her shoulders which, Sayeeda presumed, made her an officer. As the woman drew closer it became apparent that her right eye was matte black. It was clear an artifical replacement, but the woman took no care to disguise the disquieting device with an eye patch or other such contrivance. Both eyes fell on the table where the two battered spacers sat. "Captain Cykali," the woman intoned when she reached them. It wasn't a question, merely a statement of fact. Sayeeda eyed the troops. The planet didn't have much going for it in terms of armed forces but these men looked competent enough. Not competent enough to see that Sayeeda's hand was casually against her pistol holster beneath the table though. She wondered if they were police when the weren't renting out as muscle. They didn't look threatening exactly but that didn't mean much. "Mind if we have a talk?" the woman asked when Junebug made no move to acknowledge her. "Sure, its your credit I guess, take a seat, we are drinking to my medical insurance." Sayeeda raised the glass and ostentatiously slugged it back and taped the glass on to the extruded metal tabletop. "I'll stand thank you," the woman replied austerely. Junebug shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself, what about your boys? Want a seat boys, I'm buying," she drawled winking at the nearest of the guards. They remained as stony-faced as statues. "If your quite done Mistress Sayeeda..." the offcier began, but Junebug was on her feat in an instant, the suddeness of the motion startling the nearby patrons and knocking the uncomfortable metal framed chair to the ground with a clatter. Her pistol was out of its holster and pointed at the officer before any of the guards could get a weapon free. "It's Junebug, and yeah we are done," she said shaking her head as one of the guards tried to reposition his weapon, the man stopped the motion, his expression cold. There was really quiet in the bar now, though the jouncing techno beat continued. "Do you really think you could gun down all for of us before we got you?" the officer asked, her tone curious but not afraid exactly. Junebug cocked her head slightly to the side as though considering it. "I give myself two out of three, four out of five if Neil here drops your boy on the left," she nodded her chin at the soldier furthest from her field of fire." "Not great odd Mis... Junebug," the officer said with cold amusement. Sayeeda laughed, a brittle sound in the silence. "Lady, there have been days I'd have kissed your feet if you promised me a fifty fifty, but if we are all done with the math, my friend and I will be going now." The officer folded her arms beneath her breasts. "My name is Colonel Gerharht and I'm not here to arrest you," the woman declared her eyes shifting to Neil speculatively. "Not... that there might not be grounds to think about that under normal circumstances, but given the severity of the situation im afraid normal proccedures are low on the priority list. I am here to take you the the Duke's council, the planetery council I should say, he feels your testimony could be helpful in getting the plantery leaders to take more direct action." [@POOHEAD189]