When everyone who disagrees with you is a "Nazi" then no one is a Nazi. This is to ignore the misapplication of the term of course as well. Yet what I mean specifically is that it is a cliché, a meme, a joke. Calling one a Nazi now is about as potent as using the term "cuck" other than in memedom; no one will take the accusing member seriously and they honestly should not. We hear about how "Nazis openly had a march." but people here have even dispelled that; it isn't news or special. They have been doing it for a time. What made this past event different? That there were "more" of them? That is only partially true as you had so many different factions together, those "both sides" to blame, there are only a few ways to identify those who are Nazis as authentic Neo-Nazis. I might add too that a fair number of these people [i]were fakes[/i], enough to have pictures of them taken and in some cases, proven to be paid protestors and actors. Was it that someone died at a "Nazi" rally when a car drove into a crowd? People should read some of the reports on it. I am confident the issue that led to that death was not "Nazis murdering people." but a failure of control in the chaos. But I digress. Instead of doubling down on policies of identity politics, like claiming the Nazis are somehow "stronger than ever" and that the "Alt-Right" is some major threat, the time wasted could have been better spent on finding a message that actually attracts the people of the United States. With all honesty, I would like to hear and see an actual Nazi who has legitimate power, authority and influence here; these cries of "fascism" and "racism" are little more than feigned tears from misguided people. I say this because [i]no such person exists in any role of actual authority.[/i] Why not, instead of playing the social justice game trying to win one's self more oppression points to strut about as a peacock, focus on Stephen Paddock? Harvey Weinstein? Imran Awan? Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Scott Weiner? Seth Rich? James Demore? And countless others? So-called "Nazis" are the least of our issues.