[color=7ea7d8]I just recently have come back to the guild after a month or so away , and would love to start up 2-3 pm roleplays again. [hider=About Me] My name is Amy , and i am 22 years old and in college to become a teacher, I'm female and have been on and off the guild for a couple of years now. i tend to prefer adult themed roleplays as i become more invested in it. That doesn't mean there has to be smut, it just means, my characters might curse, their might be suggestive themes or tones, and such. i frequently chat with my RP partners outside of just the RP, and love just talking to people about there day, my day, ect. [/hider] [hider=requirements] You must be 18+ to RP with me, I do both MxF and FxF. i Don't require that you write more then a paragraph a post, but am certainly comfortable with 3-5, whatever you give me expect in return i always say. i like for romance to be a major theme , so just know that before you respond. i also prefer good grammar and i like if you proofread before sending, nothing kills an RP like a bunch of spelling mistakes.That being said, it happens, I generally prefer to play a female character, but a compelling story can convince me otherwise. I also usually play OC only but once again anything for story sake.[/hider] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c448c81dc23a488fcb6e9b737eeef721b5969508/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4c6967665a48744761626b5979513d3d2d3331363635313632312e313437386333323137316465353434383133303836393130353935302e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/center] in the Pairings below, the bold is what i would want to play if it has a * by it that is my eagerness to play that role [hider=Pairings] Jock X[b]Cheerleader/volleyball player[/b]* HumanX[b]Vampire[/b] HumanX[b]Neko[/b]* StudentXStudent* Nerd X [b]Tsundere[/b]* [/hider] [hider=slice of life] I am also a huge fan of the anime tropes in a slice of life like a sports anime or a highschool setting and would be highly interested in doing a heavy romance style RP here A few ideas i had would be: Long time friends, finally take that next step A new girl/boy comes to town and finds a friend and true love in the process of trying to fit in Two individuals live in the same apartment complex and attend highschool, for whatever reason, We both are in the same club, this could either be a Senpai kind of thing, a tsundere kind of thing, or a shy kid who just wants to fit in [/hider] please send all requests and questions through Pm hope to here from you guys <3[/color]