[@A Lowly Wretch][@Puffhead] Walter has some competition now. Also, Krag might be interested as she can allow him to use his powers for longer, and without him needing to eat. [h2] Character Sheet [/h2] [hider=Character Sheet][center][h2]Character Name: Manya Sannikov[/h2][/center] [center][h1]Basic Traits[/h1][/center] [center]Quote: I'm not going to try to sell you this. I don't have to. If you want power, I'm the only fucking woman in Britain who can give you it consistently.[/center] [center]Height: Four foot eleven. Do [i]not[/i] comment on her height.[/center] [center]Age: 24[/center] [center][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/057ad75b8b6da9056ac80bfd49e2ecf9/tumblr_okgeah3HjT1rg559so1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Ethnicity: Tartar Russian. Obvious Chinese influences.[/center] [center][h1]Background[/h1][/center] [center]History: The trip to Moscow wasn't supposed to be anything unusual for them. When the rift opened up however, everything changed. She wasn't very old, but she knew that this absolutely wasn't normal, and that it probably wasn't good either. Her parents were horrified however, and the entire family went back to their house the next day, cutting their visit short by several weeks. Not that she cared that much. Moscow was a boring place, especially if you weren't interested in sightseeing.[/center] [center]Rift History: She discovered her abilities when she accidentally blew up a car- having changed all of the electrical energy within it to suddenly change into chemical energy. Surprisngly, in the aftermath, she found herself completley naked thanks to the explosion, but otherwise unharmed. She later figured out the full extend of her powers.[/center] [center]War History: A high functioning sociopath in the greatest conflict mankind has seen? Manya made a fucking killing. Both literally and economically. Her abilities were perfect on the frontline, where she could keep soldiers on their feet, kill enemy soldiers, destroy vehicles, and generally be a terror. When she was injured in the leg, she went back to England, where she realised that the country was depserately in need of a war economy. Whilst she couldn't cover the entire system, she quickly took over most energy producing factories, and has been the one that keeps the lights in the Russian sector and the Tradezone on.[/center] [center]Alliance: A tradezoner, however one with heavy Russian bias.[/center] [center][h1]Abilities[/h1][/center] [center]Rift: Russia [/center] [center]Abilities: Energy manipulation. Whenever she touches an object, she can 'feel' the energy instictivley within it. She can pull this power out, change it into another form of energy, or expell it into a diffeent source. The only way she can do this without touching is by interacting with an energy [i]stream-[/i] for example if she stood between two tesla coils without touching them, she could alter the energy through the lightning. Energy Absorbtion: She can store energy within herself. There are no side effects when doing this, although storing [i]too[/i] much energy will cause it to dangerously 'vent,' often injuring or damaging objects or people around her. Energy Immunity: This a side effect of her power. She's immune to the damaging effects of extreme heat (but not extreme cold,) and nuclear radiation. Neither effect her, although fire will still char her skin.[/center] [center]Side effects: Apart from the aformentioned 'venting,' none.[/center] [center][h1]Personality:[/h1][/center] [center]Mission: She's going to rule the tradezones. This is [i]hers.[/i] And if a few people die? So what.[/center] [center]Weaknesses: Are you questioning her?[/center] [center]Strengths and Talents: She's a talented businesswoman, and few can deny that. Her overall [i]ethics[/i] are... Questionable, she has to say.[/center] [center]Fears: Drowning. The only time she's truly felt afraid in her life was when she was caught in the British Flood.[/center] [center]Other: She's a high-functioning sociopath. Little else needs to be said.[/center][/hider]