[quote=@Tenma Tendo] 1. Actually, I'm rather prone to playing characters with physical disabilities and problems so I'm more than use to rping mute, blind, deaf, and disabled characters. I'd like to keep him mute mostly to show that, including his young age, he's at a disadvantage. He might have all the book smarts in the world, but if he can't speak these ideas and use them appropriately, he might as well be starting a few steps behind the starting line. I really want my character to work for what he wants, despite not knowing what it is, and get to a level with his pokemon where he would be able to portray thoughts and ideas without speech. [/quote] Wow well you're more talented than me. I've always struggled with those sort of restrictions. I'm really looking forward to watching how you handle it and Kaleo's journey! Accepted- Please add him into the character sheet section. The IC post is also ready so once we're almost ready to kick off. Hopefully on target for Friday Night!