Velta reads the letter, only to turn it over to see if she had missed something. After inspecting the seal she reads it again and just to be sure a third time. Eventually she stands up, dons a cloak, and heads outside to where the merchandise were enjoying their shower. Even the cold rain was better than the cramped holding pen they were usually kept in. The plump woman takes her time to inspect the wares. Children were rare to survive the trip with her brothers caravans and ships but were highly priced, and tended to sell first. They were after all easy to teach, and break. Teenagers were often pleasing to the eyes, if the taste ran such ways but tended to have unruly spirits. Unfit for finer work. She had plenty of grown ups and teens, but no children. She muttered a few words to the keepers and made sure that two of the better looking adults were taking to the throphy pen, where they would be better fed and cared for, just in case... Her brothers were due back with a ship any day now...