Ryker shot a quick glance at Alexandra as she approached, looked her up and down then raised an eyebrow. [color=#9ec9cf]"The Siren? I think I've seen you before. Aren't you a singer?"[/color] He had been in and out of taverns from all over the continent for years now, so he had heard many bards in his time. But hearing the Siren sing stood out among others. There was just something about her voice that you remembered. While he wasn't sure what a bard would be doing fighting monsters, but he would just have to wait and see. [color=#9ec9cf]"If you're buying, I'll go wherever you want,"[/color] he said, only partly joking, turning his attention back to the mercenary captain. His statement was fairly accurate. As skillful as Ryker was in his profession, blacksteel was expensive and his coin purse was proof of that. Still, his purchase was justified. Killing monsters was dangerous work and, without the proper tools, it was downright deadly. Besides, Ryker was never one to splurge on frivolous things like beds or nice clothes.