[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171010/28c91abd7d605c187c117e5ab0cc8124.png[/img] ☠ [url=https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=229416227]Wardrobe[/url] ☠ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYxguqarAuU]Soundtrack[/url] ☠[/center] [color=8882be]“Rise and shine! We’ve got a big day ahead of us!”[/color] Before [color=bc8dbf]Holly[/color] could open her eyes, she was assaulted by a searing light. Groaning, she rolled over and promptly fell on a hard wood floor. She sat up and opened her eyes, giving the [i]criminal[/i] who woke her up her most exhausted glare. [color=8882be]“You know I’m immune to that, right?”[/color] Her sister looked at her with a smug grin, fully pulling back the curtains from the big window that illuminated the whole room. Holly pulled herself up to sit on the couch, rubbing at her eyes. [color=8882be]Mandy[/color] sat next to her, patting her shoulder, [color=8882be]“How’d you sleep, Hol?”[/color] [color=bc8dbf]“I… didn’t,”[/color] she croaked, her throat scratchy. Holly didn’t sleep very much to begin with, and being in a new place and on an unfamiliar couch really didn’t help. Looking at the clock on the wall, she had only slept for about two hours. [color=8882be]“So, what do you say we go out for breakfast before we deal with this mess,”[/color] motioning to the boxes of Holly’s stuff piled on the other side of the room, [color=8882be]“I know this really nice diner around Dorchester.”[/color] Holly thought about it for a second. The idea of going outside in general was unsettling to her, let alone in a completely new city, but if Mandy was with her, maybe she would be okay? And she [i]was[/i] hungry… She nodded, [color=bc8dbf]“Yeah, sounds like a plan.”[/color] Half an hour later, Holly had showered and dressed and was finally something close to awake. She was a little bit on edge; just [i]deciding[/i] off the cuff to go out somewhere wasn’t something she ever did, so her guts were doing somersaults. She just kept telling herself, [color=bc8dbf][i]I’m gonna be with Mandy. She has social skills. I’ll be fine.[/i][/color] [center]☠ ☠ ☠[/center] Holly didn’t even feel that bad once they left the apartment, thankfully. Mandy kept her occupied with conversation, holding her hand the whole way. Holly was amazed; she felt better in the last ten minutes they’d been walking than she had the whole time she was living by herself. [color=8882be]“Whoa…”[/color] Mandy had stopped walking and was staring at a commotion ahead. There were screams, crashes, gunshots. Holly took a step back, ready to retreat back to the safety of the apartment, but her sister started cautiously moving forward, her phone out in front of her. Holly grabbed onto the sleeve of Mandy’s jacket, [color=bc8dbf]“What are you doing?!”[/color] [color=8882be]“I’m gonna see what’s going on,”[/color] she said, as if that was the obvious course of action. She kept moving towards the fray, leaving a bewildered Holly no choice but to follow her. Holly honestly shouldn’t have been surprised; this had been happening ever since they were kids, just never with a situation like [i]this[/i]. She could see blood and debris and these… monsters or something. [i]Fuck[/i]. These were parahumans. This was a [i]superpowered gang-war[/i]. She ran to catch up to Mandy, who was filming the fight. They were too close. They could get hurt or— [color=bc8dbf]“We have to get out of here, [i]now![/i]”[/color] Before Holly could get another word out, the ground rumbled and erupted. Out of the chaos, she could see fire and metal— [i]coming towards her[/i]! A car door came flying at the sisters, and suddenly stopped short of hitting them. Mandy snapped out of journalist-mode and noticed the near-miss, glad that Holly had been paying more attention. She was holding the piece of metal in the air, and moved it quickly to deflect a piece of concrete that flew at them. Mandy’s phone screen was flickering, a tell-tale sign of Holly using her powers. Despite Holly’s quick thinking, she was [i]terrified[/i]; her whole body was shaking and she could feel her heartbeat in her ears. Taking fast, shallow breaths, she looked around for an escape. Nothing. They were blocked in. They were stuck in the middle of a gang fight. [i]Fuck.[/i] [center]☠ [i][color=bc8dbf]"Send my cinders home to mother"[/color][/i] ☠ [@Sickle-cell][/center]