There was really not much that Nergüi could do, not much but let out a sigh inside his helmet and scan their surroundings, nothing the psyker did really surprising him any more. Not only that, but the [i]thing[/i] that she rode was a damned disgrace, even an emotionless member of the Mechanicus would have wept! Not only [b]that[/b], but she was blatantly and flagrantly in breach of techno-heresy and, had she not clearly had the protection of the Sister-Celestian - who just so happened to be in charge of this mission - he likely would have shot her. Taking his eyes away from the abomination, that actually hurt for him to look at even without an apparent Imperial servant riding it, he took a seat on a slab of rockrete and - although looking much like a silent statue on the outside - began to mutter prayers to the Khan and the Emperor for strength and protection, ceasing only once as the Krieger made a comment that he no doubt thought just as unfunny as his last.