[b]”Woah, that’s pretty cool. I thought blood doping was like a steroid or something, but now that you say that, it makes sense.”[/b] Kenichi’s explanation of his quirk was eye opening. The only reason he knew anything about lactic acid was because of watching an episode of The Magic School Bus where Ms. Frizzle was in a track competition and all her students had to help the oxygen clean the lactic acid from her muscles so she would win. He had no idea blood doping was basically overloading your system with oxygen to clean muscles faster. He wondered why that was bad for one’s body, but evidently it was, except for his adapted body. He nearly laughed when Kenichi compared his quirk to fairies from an RPG. [b]“Uugh, I guess it’s like fairies from The Legend of Zelda in that they are pretty useless in guiding you anywhere, and they’re pretty annoying too.”[/b] [color=ed1c24]”Hey!”[/color] [b]”Yeah, it’s just like that.”[/b] [color=00aeef]”Sorry”[/color] [b]”Yeah, they all do have particular emotions. They can effect mine too if they’re being used.”[/b] He was pretty surprised at how he guessed that about his quirk. It was pretty common though, and they really fit inside of that idea. The multiple colors, personalities and powers all coaligned. Kamina began to smell the cookies as Kenichi started teaching him about fitness. [b]”Ahh, got it.”[/b] He nodded and listened to everything Kenichi said, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to get that serious about fitness. To give up sweets would be terrible. If he was really going to get fit, he would basically have to eat proteins and replace sweets with fruits and vegetables. That did not sound ideal to him. Good exercise with a good eat-a-little-of-everything diet sounded like his kind of lifestyle. Hopefully, he could become a hero with that sort of lifestyle. There was some sort of commotion going on as they left the building. It sounded like several people were involved. Kenichi seemed to know some of them. “Ah, yeah, I’ll just wait.” He didn’t want to interject on him to much. He was already working out with him. It wasn’t long when a voice rang out declaring food. As tempting as it was, he wasn’t really hungry yet and wanted to just exercise for now. He walked over to the group. There were several students, teachers and some other people too. [b]”Hey, Yoshida, you still coming to the gym? I was just wondering if you were going to ditch for food instead.”[/b] [@Zeroth]