Mars had a filling meal and felt rather well fed. As he was finishing up he noticed the fight escalating, then her. Despite his rather good memorey he had trouble with names. He felt the power and thanked everyone and everything that it hasn't been directed at him. He only can recall one time it was, but once again surpressed a chuckle as the angry chimera fell under it. He still hoped he passed though he knew some people don't have a happy home and doesnt wish anyone to not pass. Mars was looking through the crowd for that [i][color=82ca9d]Celestial, Stellerias, Cest? Oh what ever the brekfast guy.[/color][/i] He has trouble finding him, but he sees the person with wings from earlier. He watches him for a bit then notices he approaches Celeste. He goes over and says a semi friendly [color=82ca9d]"Hello,"[/color] before nodding to both Ohon and Celeste.