[centre][color=Silver][h1][u]Grant Hyral[/u][/h1][/color] [color=Gold][sub]Wall Rose - Trost District[/sub][/color] [sub][@wolverbells][@Jinxer][@Poi][@FrostedCaramel][@LordVoldemort][@HecateProxy][@Solace][@SheriffLlama][/sub] [img]https://happyhourgang.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/border.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoyCBDLZnrc[/youtube][/centre] Once Grant and his team had returned to the HQ, there was a cluster of cadets who were now seemingly lost for words at the disaster that was happening. Almost all of the soldiers here were involved or survivors of Shiganshina, if they hadn't come from the upper-classed districts. It was worrying for everyone to be living this nightmare. No doubt the supply room was flooded with the hostiles that preyed on the soldiers and trainees. It was why everyone was upstairs here rather than down there. It was perfect sense. Grant, whilst Jade had wandered off to check on Lauren, began to wander, looking for the wooden-lift shaft. It took only a small amount of navigating, but when he looked down the small edges, he could make our several splatters of blood and the occasional dead body that was yet to be devoured. His eyes widened a thick width, and his mind vomited into his throat. This was it, his first official time seeing what a soldier would eventually become accustomed too. Even in Shiganshina, Grant was blessed with not seeing as single corpse lying around. And now, well...Here it was. Staring up at him, at least he presumed it was, were the cold deathly eyes of the fallen. He couldn't actually make that out, but it was a cold and desolate figure that pushed itself into his eyes and mind like an illusion from the bowels of hell and beyond. Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore, and returned to the large gathering. More cadets began to arrive one by one, in squads or alone, trying to figure out what they were going to do. Grant saw no-better feeling but to stand at the back of the now crowding group. People were questioning one another, a few arguing over ideas for tactics, but no one was really sure of what to do. No one was. No one ever was. Eventually, a voice came over the lot, a familiar voice. Tanner stood out to the crowd, addressing them that they had the abilities, the inspiration and the skills to pursue a goal and survive. It was just a matter of how. The room fell silent, aching in its fear to even remotely speak about what to do. The arguments had left most people stumped as to what to do. Grant thought for a short moment about what he saw, about who these people were and who did what best. Eventually, through the silence left by Tanner's short speech, eventually someone stepped forward. Through the crowd, slightly and gently moving his way to where the rest were, Grant had finally emerged from his usual recluse spot that he'd suffered within for the entirety of his training to speak. [color=Silver][b]"I have an idea..."[/b][/color] Grant's tone was low, serious in his mind. As he entered the centre of the group, he gently paced from side to side, thinking and refining his plan as he processed it in his mind. [color=silver][b]"There's a lift back there, leading directly to the supply room. But it's obvious that not all of us can just go down there and start killing, no...We need something a bit more...thought through. Call my criticism as you wish, but I think we can pull it off this way. We need the most skilled, if not the more skilled, cadets and soldiers to have what gas we have left. Anyone who has a good quantity of gas should hand it to them. Now, I believe we need to mix both the fast and the strong here. Those with gas and ODM gear will be vital, but then saying that...so will everyone."[/b][/color] He paced around, looking everyone in the face every now and then. Grant noticed Jade's on-edge activity, so he wandered over, giving a slight and just audible mumble of reassurance that he wanted to make sure she understood was all he could say to not interrupt his speech and planning being shared with the rest of the survivors. [color=Silver][b]"Those we'll give the gas too will be in charge of either drawing the Titans away or killing them. I want, if possible, two groups or duos or whatever to handle this. The first will go down first, start herding the Titans into a group and keeping them away from everyone else. Now, now that's the dangerous job...I only think someone should volunteer for this but...but I won't be surprised if any of us back down. The second group will make sure that any Titans that leave this herd get killed as soon as they are far enough. Now, I mentioned a lift earlier, and with that I mean the rest of us will need to control this lift. With those on the ODM gear mobilising and trying to keep the herd moving away from us, we'll need two more groups on foot. We'll keep the lift low so that anyone can return back up when or if shit goes wrong. The fastest of us on foot will have to run over to the gas dispensers and fill up as many canisters as they can. This...this sounds fucking...fucking suicidal now that I think about it...But the second group needs to have the strongest, able to carry multiple canisters at a time to load them into the lift. If we can get as many canisters as possible into the lift, we can try and bring them to this higher level of safety and use them to at least escape this building. Now this plan...this...[i]Plan[/i]...I don't know how much you trust me to do this, because I can't guarantee anyone's safety. Never. Those who don't want to participate, don't be afraid to say...You can stay up here and lower or raise the lift when needed. I know the plan is not safe at all, but no plan is ever safe with a Titan down there...So...Do we have a plan?"[/b][/color]