The old man didn't have much to add, and the illusion only seemed to make him more annoyed and distrustful of the group. However, the villagers didn't follow into the tunnels, choosing to remain outside, no doubt to chastise any other adventurers who came along, if any. Inside, however, the group had to deal with the same fog as outside. It was easier to see through, but the smell was fetid and, to be most accurate to the scent, one could describe it as "swamp gassy." The ground softened as the group descended, to the point it was just sticky muck, and various fungi grew on the walls as the only company for some ways in, before the path forked in two. At this point, however, without another source of light, only those with darkvision are able to see. Traveling down the left path for several minutes, the group found a large cavern, and those able to see in the dark see the rubble of all the broken stalagmites and stalactites pushed to the sides of the cavern. The middle of the room has a pool of some liquid that could easily be the source of the swamp gas scent.