Marlin continued to watch the shadows as the girls discussed the cube of dust that was now an extreme power source beyond most comprehension. With a drink in his hand, his eyes looking for Grimm and his thoughts on the recovery of his tail he didn't realize what was going on behind him. Figuring it wasn't a big deal since he couldn't really hear them quickly, entirely unfocused from the situation, Marlin turned around to see himself alone in the cavern that was once bright, [color=8493ca]"Well fuck me."[/color] With his light source gone the area was dark, he scanned around till he saw what looked like sunlight coming from outside. Marlin took his time towards the new tunnel, sipping every now and then from his flask. [color=8493ca]"Eh I'll take my time, they can handle themselves,"[/color] he said to himself thinking that the fact there wasn't any cry for help there was no reason to hurry. Though it wasn't till he was approaching the end of the tunnel and back outside that he heard an unfamiliar voice. Eve and Diana seemed to be having an interrogation set up with a young Faunus. Marlin approached and stood behind Diana, keeping a face of seriousness but he really didn't care about the boy. As true as it may be that most Faunus stick together and help when in need, Marlin still never cared about anyone unless money was involved. [color=8493ca]"Tough luck kid, I'd give them what they want if I were you, especially her, she scares me,"[/color] he nodded his head towards Diana.