"What kind of farmer gets armor like that!?" Tormir asked. The question came to Eli as a surprise. That was a question he didn't want to answer it was also a question he hoped didn't come up in conversation. He was ready to answer but he didn't really want to. He was about to answer when the doors at the far end of the entrance hall opened revealing a room filled with Dragon egg. Eli sigh in relief, he didn't have to answer the question. "We will call your names one by one. When your name is called, step forward and walk in front of the eggs, holding your left hand out. If an egg hatch, pick up your dragon and have a seat to the right. If no egg hatches, head back out to the gate and you will be taken home once everyone has been called!" An Elf said. He pulled out a list of names and started calling them. One by one people came up and touch the egg. Then Eli’s name was called. He walks up to the dragon egg and held his hand over the egg. For a minute nothing happens but suddenly the egg crack and a small Black and purple dragon stood in front of him. Eli stood there amazed be couldn’t believe he was chosen by a dragon. He slowly moves his hand toward the dragon once he made contact a searing pain went through his arm and a blinding flash appeared. His eyes adjust back to normal when the pain from his hand flooded his mind. He looks at his hand finding a silver mark on it. he started at it than back at the dragon who was staring at him with its deep black eyes. “Please pick up your dragon and have a seat,” The Elf said with a pleased expression. Eli picks up his dragon and took a seat. He couldn’t believe he was picked him out of everyone. He looked down at the dragon who was curled up in his lap laying there comfortably. He turns his attention back to the crowd when the Elf started calling name again.