[hider=Wow character][b]Name:[/b] GramAres Una (Graham-Air-Ease . OO-nah ) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Picture/description:[/b] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120317195826/dcuniverserp/images/1/11/Girl-glasses-hair-nerd-pretty-red-hair-Favim_com-82664_large.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4Pe8hSK.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Gram was on her own for a long time, because of this she because very independent; she doesn't like to rely on anyone else for anything, be it help in tasks or companionship. She has a problem of being rather grumpy and selfish at times because she wasn't taught otherwise, she does things for herself and more than less put her own needs in front of others. She can be kind of lazy and complains a lot about having to do things, but when it comes down to it she puts all of her effort into a task, mostly because she just wants it to be over with. She can be cold at first, scoffing and blowing off what other people have to say- she thinks that shes right now matter what. But, show her kindness and she'll be kind back, she hardly ever violent but tends to be more sarcastic and verbal. She has a problem of lying when she wants people to like her more, or lying when she wants things to go her way. Gram doesn't really trust people, she's one of those 'the whole word is against me' types, when her parents left her and her brother alone she became more distant towards all people but her brother. Him being one of the few people she trusts, and probably the only person she truly loves. He is her top priority because her final promise to her parents was that she would take care of him. She had to grow up too quickly which in result made her extremely mature in some ways, immature in others. She's good at taking care of other people, she knows her way around a needle, and she's good at calming people down in fights. But immature in her sense of humor, her words, and her attitude. She likes animals better than people because animals are always loyal and never leave you. She also likes to sing, she played guitar before all of this. She loves singing to pass the time but wont sing for people unless she really trusts them. The only people to have heard her sing are her family and her best friend (she she has since lost contact with.) The thing about her though is that once she decides she can trust you she can become very loyal and open up more, becoming more free spirited and happy, even joking around in her own sarcastic and a little rude way. She has a loving side, it's hard to find it, but it's there. [b]Biography:[/b] {To-Be-Revealed} [b]Foils:[/b] -Trust issues -A bit of an asshole at first -Cold and distant [b]Starting/ primary weapon:[/b] Two knifes she found, named Micheal and Lucifer[/hider] I just see curse words as just that [i]words[/i] so thats why i swear a lot